❤️Questionable Interior Design • Lucifer [short 1]❤️

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Lucifer takes some advice and gets rid of the weird skeleton in his room.

Gender Neutral MC, Frenemies, Adding lore to Lucifer's Skeleton Pillar, Sassy Lucifer, Passive aggression, Him and MC still getting to know each other


MC was surprised when they walked into Lucifer's room and noticed that something was missing.

The skeleton that typically resided in the corner was nowhere to be seen.

They thought back to the conversation they had with Lucifer earlier that week, and wondered if it had something to do with the sudden change...


..."Lucifer, why is there a weird skeleton on your wall?"

Lucifer put a hand on his chest as though he took mild offense to the question. "Just some decoration to liven the place up, I suppose."

MC stared at the skeleton a bit longer, failing to see how a dead skeleton could bring 'life' to a room. "It's creepy," they bluntly said. "And tacky."

"...Tacky, you say?" Lucifer backed up and stood at the door to get a wider view of his room. "Well I believe it fits the aesthetics quite well."

They decided it would be best not to question Lucifer's so-called 'aesthetic tastes.' While the majority of his room was pretty decent, they drew the line at skeletons. "Well, is it real?" They asked. "Like, a real dead skeleton?"



"What?" He asked, entirely indifferent.

"I don't like it."

He arrogantly huffed and crossed his arms. "You're just going to have to deal with it, then."

"Well I guess I'm never coming here again, then." They melodramatically declared.

"As if that's a bad thing," he scoffed. Lucifer's expression remained stern, though he glanced at the skeleton with a brief moment of consideration. "And what would you put there, if given the choice?"

"Something like..." They paused, wondering why he even asked at all. As if such a pompous man would make any changes for a human visitor such as themself. "Just- ANYTHING but a skeleton! Like, who even IS that! Is it a human skeleton?"

"I've never thought of it before," Lucifer admitted.

"You don't even know?!" They waved their arms in the air as though it may convey to the demon how ridiculous this all was. "This exchange is drastically changing my opinion of you, Lucifer." They were only being partially serious with him.

"So be it! I'm done with your unproductive commentary."

They rolled their eyes and headed back to their own room, glad to go somewhere without questionable skeletons on the wall.


That was how the conversation went.

They weren't being that serious about their criticisms. They knew this realm was full of demons and things much scarier than his room. But Lucifer must've taken them seriously enough to have removed the skeleton...

Or maybe he had only relocated it? They glanced over their shoulder in apprehension at the thought. Not knowing where the dead thing was put them a bit on edge.

They peeked in his closet for it, but only found rows of the same dark button up shirts and red gloves.

"Would you stop dawdling around and Help me carry this in?"

They jumped at the sound of Lucifer's voice. "What?" They squeaked out.

"...Nevermind," he huffed. They noticed that he was hauling in a stone statue, though they couldn't tell what it was yet.

He brought it over to the empty spot on the pillar where the skeleton used to be, and placed it down. "There."

They stepped closer and took in the sight of a ghoulishly terrifying gargoyle figure. "Oh my lord," they whispered.

"Since you are our guest here, I decided I would be so kind as to take your rude suggestions on the pillar skeleton. As you can see, this gargoyle shall replace it. Temporarily."

The creature had a face reminiscent of an angry beast, and large lead black wings spread behind it. Sharp teeth jutted out from the bottom of its maw, and its claws seemed to grip the pillar it stood on with violent intent.

"Your tastes are very... unique," they said.

"I'm sure you'll find many things in this realm that are unique to you."

"...Well, thank you for your consideration Lucifer. I don't know what to say."

"Welcome to the Devildom," he replied simply.

And they left it at that.


A/N- I like to imagine that Lucifer has nearly perfect design skills, but he always manages to add something odd last second that he finds nice.

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