❤️Lucifer X Stressed MC❤️

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A/N- Requested by xxalb3wtx



Jesus. Christ.
You struggled to maintain focus while scribbling more notes for school. The only thing currently keeping you sane was the Lo-Fi hip hop playing through your headphones at full volume. You hardly understood why the history of the Devildom is knowledge you needed to learn, and partially wanted to just flunk the class and move on with your life. Unfortunately, the memories of demons lasted MUCH longer than that of a human, so you were expected to know a few thousand years of information in exact detail, on top of centuries of history. Of course, this was a simple task for many, but since you didn't even know such place as the Devildom existed for a majority of your life this was all completely new to you.

When you started, the alarm clock on your desk read '4:17,' and now it was '9:35.' 5 hours of studying wasn't anything new, but your stress was increasing just thinking about all the other work that was assigned. You angrily erased a date you wrote wrong, only to have the page tear. With a growl, you threw the damn thing across the room, wishing you could get a break.

Suddenly you felt a tap at your shoulder, making you jump up in horror since you don't recall anyone entering your room. Your head was harshly yanked back by the coord of your headphones, which were still connected to your phone. Wonderful. Luckily the demon standing behind you wasn't Mammon, because if it was you just might have strangled him.

"Lucifer!" You properly took your headphones off, blushing and unsure how long he'd been there. Did he see you chuck your eraser across the room...?

"I came to tell you that you should come get dinner before the bowl I saved for you gets too cold." He steadily announced, his arms neatly folded in front of him.

Somehow his calm demeanor soothed the atmosphere of the room. "Oh- Thank you. I'll get it soon as I finish some more R.A.D. work." You felt your shoulders slump, unaware of how stiff they were in the first place.

"Hmm, no. You're going to eat now actually." His voice contained no malice or anger but the word 'now' showed just enough authority to let you know his sentence was a command.

"Luci, I really need to finish this work," you said, slightly mimicking his tone of voice.

He frowned, clearly not ready to allow you to defeat him so easily. "You also really need to eat or you won't be able to do your work well." Unsure what to say, you watched as he strided across your room, plucking your eraser from the spot on the floor it landed. Instead of handing it back, he slipped it in his coat pocket with an innocent smile. "You can have this back when you finally have some dinner. After that, I'm going to help you with your work. I'll be waiting in my office."

He then left, leaving you dumbfounded and brain-dead. Your thoughts were seriously lagging behind, but after 5 solid minutes of consideration you plopped all your books and journals in a drawstring bag and headed into the hall. It truthfully didn't take much to convince yourself to go, considering you'd rather face the consequences of stealing Beel's custard a second time than writing one more damn sentence down in your journal. You thought about going to the kitchen for food, but he didn't exactly specify where the plate he left you was. On the off-chance he had it with him, you decided the best option was to go to the office as instructed.

Sighing, you started to trudge along, suddenly feeling like taking a nap. God you were tired... after what felt like an eternity of walking, you knocked on the door to Luci's office.

"Come in."

Weakly pushing through the door, your senses were overwhelmed momentarily by the bold red colors in the room, but the fire did make it comfortably warm. Across the room from you was Lucifer, calmly sitting at his desk with a bowl of steaming hot soup in front of him.

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