40. Partners

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The last few weeks had been...odd and awkward. I'd stuck to my vow of not drinking again, I knew I definitely couldn't be trusted to not do something utterly stupid, after all I had form. The girls had given up trying to encourage me to go out with them. Once the exams set in they knew I'd be a nervous wreck and they'd pretty much been avoiding me. As it turns out they weren't the only ones avoiding me, my Tom sized shadow had disappeared since that morning in my room. I'd seen him in class but he no longer sat behind me. In fact he avoided eye contact and conversation whenever he could. It felt like role reversal, for months, no years, he'd chased me. He'd been the one desperate to talk, to get to know me, and now it was me who was hoping to catch his eye, I wanted to clear the air between us.

I couldn't believe how things had changed, I'd missed him. I'd missed his friendship, he was the one person who knew how devastated I was about Elliot. Although I know he detested him, it was still comforting to hear him tell me how much of a dick Elliot was. Yes the girls had consoled me but there seemed more weight, more honesty when Tom said it. Perhaps it was because he had known Elliot all his life, and although they weren't friends I believed him when he told me I was the best thing to ever happen to Elliot - hmm that sounds conceited, but it's exactly what I need to hear.

I was still surprised by how pissed he was at me for loosing control over brain and kissing him, I wanted to explain to him it didn't mean anything. I was lonely and so, so upset over Elliot, I just wanted to feel wanted, I wanted, no needed someone, anyone to want me, to kiss me that night. It was just unfortunate it was him, if I could turn back the clock I would, in a heartbeat.

What was I thinking? Him sulking with me for weeks was bad enough but could you imagine how awful it'd be if he'd thought I'd seriously wanted a relationship with him, oh geez I can't even think about how awful that would have been, it least this is salvageable.

So with renewed hope for a reconciliation with Tom I left my room and made my way to my final exam of the year. I had promised the girls I'd go out with them tonight, but I was only having one or two, and then tomorrow I was packing up and heading home for the Summer, the long boring, lonely Summer. I again resolved to try to fix things with Tom, as he could possibly be my only friend back home.

"Hey honey" my dad's bright, happy voice sung down the phone.

"Hey dad, how's it going?" I asked smiling to myself.

"Fantastic Libs, I've, we've" my good mood dropped instantly "We've been accepted for adoption, isn't that great?" I stood for a second whilst my dads news filtered into my brain.

"Say something Libs, it's mega exciting isn't it?" I could tell from his tone he was practically hopping from side to side he was so pleased.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted down the phone. My mouth had blurted out what my heart was thinking, usually my head steps in and filters most things out, but this time I was so in shock.

"Mind your language Olivia." My dad scolded, his happy tone long gone. "Remember who you are talking to" he continued "I am your father and you will speak to me with respect, young lady, now what is your problem?"

"My problem, father" my tone dripping with sarcasm "Did you really think I'd be thrilled you were buying in another kid?"

"Just hold on a minute" he interrupted me "We are not buying anything, we want to be a family, surely you can understand that?" He patronised.

"And they've let you have someone else's kid?" I asked incredulously. "Don't they vet you people?"

"What are you talking about?" He was getting more irritated with each passing second.

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