The Bride Hunt

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Ginny was over at Harry's house for dinner. Harry, for one, couldn't comprehend why Ginny seemed more cheerful than she had ever been in the past three years. She didn't tear up at random objects that reminded her of him, as an example. Not that she cried in front of him anymore.

If Harry hadn't known better, he could have sworn that Ginny didn't cry anymore, because that last time she cried in front of anyone was at her wedding, in his arms. She didn't let anyone see her tears after that. Harry supposed it was her way of staying strong.

Ginny was staring out into space. She was thinking about Draco again. She had always thought of him as pretty, but how wrong she was. He had a powerful aura surrounding him. His form exuded sexuality and masculinity. Sinfully so.


"Ginny? Are you alright?"

"What? Oh Harry, sorry, I was just thinking about something, that's all." Harry had an urge to ask what that certain 'something' was, but decided against it.

They sat in comfortable silence, drinking tea, until Ginny decided to leave. Harry suddenly wished that he could make her truly happy again.


Draco and Ginny decided to meet at the coffee shop for the first of what Draco had now christened 'the Bride Hunt'. Ginny had silently agreed with him. Upon reaching Starknuts, they split the packet in half and began reading the profiles.

A few minutes into reading Draco said, "Make sure the ones you pick out are sane."

Ginny just snorted and kept on reading. Draco was indignant. "I'm serious. And ask me if you see any sane behaviour to make sure it is sane."


Draco looked over the top of the paper at Ginny. She was wearing the most conservative and unflattering clothes he had ever seen on twenty something year old. And that dark red hair was tied mercilessly in a tight bun at the nape of her neck. I wonder how she would look with her hair down. She bit her lip as she read something and Draco's eyes travelled to them.

"Is there something you want?"


"You were staring at me."

"Oh." Had he really just checked out a Weasley?

They continued to read the profiles, only getting up occasionally to buy more coffee. Draco kept crumpling up profiles and throwing them in the trash can near him. In Ginny's case, she would sometimes mutter to herself, or she would just ask Draco outright.

"Hey Malfoy!"

"What Weaslette?"

"How do you like women who own pets?"

Draco thought. "I guess if it doesn't bite me or anything, and if it's clean." Remembering Chaton and what was left of his boots he added, "And as long as it doesn't chew my clothes."

Ginny sighed. "That doesn't eliminate much. We would have to meet the pet and you can't do that without meeting the woman. Can't you just make up your mind? Just tell me if you like cats better than any other pet or something."

"I like cats more than owls, but owls are more useful than cats. Of course, just not owls like that tiny fluff ball you had."

"Hey! Pig was a good owl. A bit energetic, but cute."

"Exactly my point. He was too hyper to be useful, from what I saw."

"He was too useful!" Then she stopped talking and the he heard instead the scratching of a quill.

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