7. Confrontation

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A few days passed, and Graham and Boulder quickly fell back into their normal routine. The corner that had been empty for so long, and for a week to Boulder, was now full of their ideas on blueprints again. Once again, you hardly ever saw one without the other, and it was a wonderful feeling.

"Now if only we could get Heatwave and Kade to reunite..." Cody muttered, looking at his oldest brother standing practically on the other side of the garage from his former partner. Heatwave was scrubbing some mud he'd collect during that morning's patrol from his armor, but watching Kade very closely. An event was about to happen, Cody could feel it.

Unfortunately, it was at that time that the phone rang, and as the only person in the house, it was up to him to answer it. He went to the phone, quickly taking it from the hook and running back to the window to watch. "Griffin Rock Emergency."

Erm... Yes. Cody? This is Captain Shaw down 'ere at the docks.

"What can we do for you, Sir?"

Well, you know that big one you had dockin' off the edge of the island for a time? He's back. I thought you and your bots should know.

Cody blinked, his mind going blank in shock for a moment before snapping back to the conversation. "O-Okay. Thanks for the update, Captain Shaw. I'll let my dad and the others know. Thank you."

He hung up the phone, letting it hang limply by his side as he stared back out the window. Kade had left the garage and Heatwave had moved to standing by the door, probably to watch the firefighter leave.

High Tide, for whatever reason, was back at Griffin Rock. It wasn't Optimus, nor Bumblebee, but one of their outside visitors just the same. High Tide probably wouldn't know any more about Sigma 17's revival than they did, but maybe he could contact Optimus and ask him about it. He needed to send the news onward like he'd said. He tapped the intercom button, "Heatwave."

"What is it, Cody?" Heatwave asked.

"Let me know when the others come back from patrol. I have some news to give them..."


"High Tide!?"

Blades stepped back, rubbing his temples with a groan, "Oh...I knew it was only a matter of time...!"

"But why?" Boulder wondered, "Optimus assigned him here to assist us with water rescues. If they all think we died, then what is the point of him staying?"

"Perhaps Optimus assigned him to keep an optic on Griffin Rock during our- erm..." Chase looked downward and his voice lowered to a mumble. "...Absence."

"Whatever the case..."

Heatwave looked at the screen in front of him, blank and awaiting him to send out the comm request to the seafaring cybertronian. His chassis stiffened, he did not want to do this, but Cody was right; High Tide might be able to get in contact with Optimus and potentially get answers better than they could.

"...We have to tell him before he comes ashore and finds out from the townsfolk."

He pressed the button, tapping the console. "Sigma 17 to High Tide. Sigma 17 to High Tide, do you copy?"

Most of him hoped the older bot wouldn't answer, but that small pang wanted to hear his voice again, to just know that someone else they knew was doing okay and could catch them up to speed. The people of Griffin Rock were so secluded and yet so much had happened here, what even more had happened outside of their little pocket in three years?

"Sigma 17 to High Tide. High Tide, do you copy?"

He heard waves on the other end, creaking of metal. The line was open, but he heard no response from the bot.

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