31. Exposed

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"Okay guys, keep up your best robot behavior." Cody encouraged as they pulled up to the parking lot, "We just have to be here until the end of the race, and then we're good to go home."

I still can't believe Mayor Luskey- I mean, our Mayor Luskey... Boulder murmured, ...Is trying to convince his brother to let Griffin Rock host the final race.

Heatwave rolled his optics at the reminder, "Tell me about it... Sometimes I wonder if not letting the Velgrox take him as a four-course meal was a good idea."

"Pfffffffha ha ha ha ha!"
Kade leaned over the steering wheel as he cackled, "Eheh eheh... Wow, that was good."

Look at all the people...! Blades whispered, We won't even be able to shift on our struts without drawing attention...!

"Don't worry, Blades." Cody assured, "Once the race starts, everyone will be focused on that more than anything."

He climbed out of Heatwave's cab and looked around, "Kinda weird Dani decided to miss out on this."

Kade smirked, "She probably got so upset about that mystery racer upstaging Donatello, she can't stand to watch this one in case he comes back."

Cody hoped the mystery racer didn't show up again, that would mean that Dani's chat with Blurr had failed.

"We'd better find our seats." Chief Burns informed, and then guided them towards the stands.

"Chief Burns!" Bert Luskey greeted with a wide smile, "Welcome! Welcome! We have assigned some seats for you right on the front row!"

The Burnses settled down in their seats, looking around the track and the audience. Kade was surprised as a familiar face came sliding into the seat beside him. "Hayley!"

"Hey, Hot Stuff." Hayley greeted, "Didn't expect to see me, did you?"

"N-No! Not that I didn't think you'd enjoy racing, I just-"

Hayley giggled, and then gestured to the woman taking a seat beside her. "Mrs. Neederlander paid for the two of us to have front-row seating!"

"Hi, Mrs. Neederlander!" Cody greeted with a wave.

"So who's watching Mr. Pettypaws if you're here?" Graham asked.

"Mrs. Rubio offered to watch him for me."

As the humans got into conversation, the bots sat in the lot, listening to the chatter of tailgaters and the rumbling of the racecar's engines. Three of them had settled on their wheels and were content to rest for the time being, but Blades was still stiff and if he were in bot mode, Heatwave knew he'd be looking around. Blades, what's the matter? He asked silently.

...I don't know... Blades murmured, just... Something isn't right here. I can't put my finger on it...

The rumbling and cheers of humans grew louder; the race was about to begin. Their optics moved to the screen back behind the stadiums so those sitting in the lot could see. Five cars rumbled on the asphalt, the wind rushed by their tires, and then Blades' anxiety spiked.

No...It couldn't be!

What is it? Boulder asked.

That back car... It's-

He didn't get to finish his sentence before the flag was waved, and the cars flew forward; the race was on. Once they were off on the track, the rumbling faded, and Blades seemed able to recollect his thoughts. I heard his voice, it has to be! It's Blurr!

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