30. Deception

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The air was only mildly chilly for a mid-january day, and scattered leaves were being blown through the streets as Blades flew over them. The sky was clear, the city empty of emergencies for the time being, and the copter was using this time to get some practice with his air-control. He remained cautious, flying above the powerlines and trees, but not by much, in case he lost control.

Down below, many of the townsfolk were wandering about, running errands and enjoying the mild weather after a serious cold snap the week before. But Blades knew that some, including his partner, were busy indoors, watching the race.

Blades never had been a fan of street races... Or air races, really. Just races in general gave him an uneasy feeling. Perhaps it was his medic training and the high injury rates of these things; or maybe he came by it honestly, his spark unable to willingly watch someone put their lives in danger in return for speed and glory.

Whatever the case, he had been content to leave Dani and Cody to watch the event on the television in the bunker, promising to return afterward for he and Dani's routine patrol after he took this time to practice his powers.

Priscilla was out with Chief Burns, helping him pick up litter in the square as part of her 'normal life training.'

When she left the house, she was dressed like she was going out to clean up a toxic spill. Full-body hazmat suit, a mask and goggles, and rubber boots and gloves. At least she wouldn't be too hot with the cool air of the day.

"It's just litter like soda cans and paper flyers." Kade had remarked at the teen's outfit, "You're not going to clean up Chernobyl."

"I am not letting any filthy, dirty trash touch me!" Priscilla replied with disgust, "Who knows where it's been!"

Kade had mumbled something about her still being a spoiled child deep down, but was silenced by Chief asking if he wanted to take her place. Chase had agreed with her protective garb, knowing from watching various townsfolk and even some of the Burnses getting sick how dehebilitating germs could be.

Though it would still be some time before they got anything back about the girl's origins and how she wound up with Pynch, they had gotten permission from Fowler to foster her in a somewhat legal capacity, in the form of a piece of paper stating that she was under their protective custody until further notice.

That night was the first one where Priscilla slept all through the night without waking up from a nightmare.

The copter checked the time on his HUD, and decided the race should be over by now. He should get back to the Firehouse before Dani got impatient... It didn't take much, to be honest.

When he landed on the driveway and started into the garage, he found it rather peaceful. Chase was out, Heatwave was polishing some of his tools with a rag and Boulder was doing final calculations on the Stasis Pod settings with Graham in the corner.

"Welcome back," Boulder greeted.

"Thanks. Did I miss anything?"

"Not much. Apparently there was a mystery racer that took first place in the preliminaries from Donatello." Heatwave informed, "He sped off before they could get a comment from him."

"Ooh... Dani must've been peeved. She loves Donatello..."

He'd expected her to already be at the elevator to his helipad, but it was empty. "Speaking of Dani, have you seen her?"

"She was downstairs last I saw."

Blades nodded and then headed for the elevator for downstairs. He checked all of the usual spots, but the only person he found downstairs was Cody, who was currently flipping through channels on the TV.

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