23. What. Stadium...!?

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Whatever had happened on Allspark Day, it had not appeared to have any long-term effects to the island or its inhabitants. The townsfolk were under the impression it was some sort of light show as part of the celebration, and the Burnses were fine with leaving it that way. They had no answers as to what had caused it, but they were confident it had something to do with Blades' brief disappearance.

Speaking of Blades, whatever had happened had certainly had an effect on him. He'd been quieter and more contemplative, and he'd been spending a lot of time looking to the skies, like he expected something to come out of it. But whenever the others asked him about it, he simply told them, "Soon..."

Boulder accepted it, Chase seemed to be somewhat in on it, but Heatwave was outright confused and frankly quite irritated that he was out of the loop.

Fortunately, today's topic had been something everyone could pitch in on; the question of whether or not it was 'moose,' or 'meese,' or 'mooses,' or 'meeses.' The humans all agreed on 'moose,' but Blades refused to be convinced.

"It's like goose and geese!" He insisted, "Augh! I hate English language. It's too confusing!"

"I'm with you," Dani replied, "And I'm fluent in it!"

"Ugh..." Blades hovered along and back towards home, but then Heatwave spoke up through the internal comm.

Blades, Jerry's truck is about to go over the cliff and I can't reach him in time!

On it! Blades responded, turning back around quickly.

"Whoa! Blades, what're you-"

"I'll explain in a second. Jerry's in trouble."

The pair came back around the corner and saw Jerry's truck dangling over the side, and blocking Heatwave from him was a large herd of- "Meese!"

Dani groaned, "Oh for the love of Pete..."

Blades swept down and snagged the truck's back end with his winch, just in time for it to slide off of the edge, and Heatwave to finally get the moose out of the way by roaring in dino mode. Whatever works, I guess...

Heatwave groaned as Blades carefully lowered the truck back down onto the ground.

"Nice work, Blades." Graham congratulated as he and Boulder caught up, "But how did you guys know about Jerry? We didn't hear anything over the comms."

"The communications tower is flatlining up there," Heatwave expressed, pointing up to the cliffside where they could see electricity pulsing off of it. "Human comms were out, but our cybertronian internal comms were not."

"It's kinda like close-range telepathy." Boulder explained.

Graham checked his phone, "Cell phone signals are out too."


The bots all perked up as they heard Chase scream in anguish and then a loud, screeching crash, and they all hurried around the corner. Chief dropped out of the bot's lowered cab as Chase transformed into bot mode on his hands and knees, his elbows on the ground and his hands covering his audio receptors.

"Chase, what's wrong!?" Boulder asked.

Chief looked at his distressed partner, "One second we were fine, and then the next this horrible sound came out of his radio and-"

Chase wailed, "Stop! Stop! Augh! Turn it off!" He cried as he sat up on his knees and threw his helm back.

Indeed, a loud, screeching sound was coming from his commlink and radio, like a million nails on chalkboard. "Turn it off! Please!"

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