8. Level 2... Fight!

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"Woohoo! Last day for the pool!"

That seemed to be the general feeling all of the humans filing through the gates. Though a few leaves had changed over the week, and now littered the ground, it was still plenty warm enough for them to use the public pool.

The Burnses were some of the last few people to enter the space, looking around as everyone found places to set their things. And behind them came the Rescue Bots.

Blades took a deep inhale of air through his vents, "Ah...The smell of sunscreen and pool cleaner." He muttered with a slight smirk.

"The smells of an Earth summer." Boulder murmured, "Although, I do love the smell of campfire smoke and freshly-cut grass better, myself."

"And then there's the smell of bugspray, charcoal grilling, fireworks-"

Cody grinned at the bots' discussion, "I think they're all nice..."

Cody's commtab buzzed and he pulled it out, grinning as Frankie appeared on the screen. "Hey, Frankie."

Cody, you'll never guess what I found buried in my dad's storage room!

"Something interesting, I'd assume?"

I found an update to the Element Quest game! Can you believe it!?

"An update?" Blades shook his helm, "I could barely handle the base game, forget me trying to survive an update!"

"Not to mention anything that was buried and we've brought back to the surface has been nothing but trouble." Kade informed, "A time capsule, for example...!"

"Not gonna let that one go, are you?" Heatwave muttered.

"Uh. No."

It had been a week since the two firefighters' confrontation, and though Kade was now riding with Heatwave and the two had even done a few rescues together since then, some of the tension still remained between them.

Anyway... Frankie muttered, and then turned back to her friend. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come to the Fun Zone with me to check it out!

"Erm...Maybe later, Frankie. We're about to play the last game of Burnso for the season."

No problem! I'll see you later, Frankie.


Cody looked over as Boulder caught a kid coming out of the bottom of the slide, "No going into the water, Timmy. Not until the lifeguard says it's okay."

Chase shook his helm, "I still do not understand how human children enjoy swimming, but dislike baths..."

"No waterslides." Blades responded.

Heatwave smirked, "I can help with that."

There was a brief spray of his nozzles, followed by a yelp.

"Hey!" Kade growled, "Still sunscreening here!"

The firetruck gave him a mild glare, "Hmph. Consider it payback for ignoring me for three weeks."

"Not letting that go, huh?"

Heatwave smirked as he mimicked what his partner had said only moments ago, "Uh. No."

"Come on, Kade." Dani offered, "It's not that cold."

"Well, we can't all be a part of the Polar Bear Club, Dani!"

"What's the Polar Bear Club?" Blades asked.

"It's an honorary title you get when you jump into a pool of water in the dead of winter," Graham explained.

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