19. Electrified and Mystified

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"This is one weird favor you're askin' for, Blip."

Cody grinned as High Tide spoke up from behind, and he turned to face the seabot from his place by the railing. "Maybe, but we really appreciate it, High Tide."

With autumn in full swing, the air was cold and sent shivers through the young teenager, but he made no effort to complain. The smell of sea salt rushed on the morning gusts and whipped through his hair, and he looked back out over the ocean. Ahead of them, just within view through the morning mist, was what had come to be known by the Griffin Rock citizens as Oaken Crow Island. The final resting place of the pirates aboard the ship for which the island got its name, and the previous resting place of Griffin Rock's stolen Settler's Bell.

It was uninhabited, and only just recently added to the official list of islands bordering Maine. It was the uninhabited part that they were interested in; there were no humans there that might get in harm's way.

Chase stood a little bit further down the deck, his arms crossed across his chestplate and also looking out over the ocean, Blades by his side. "I am not sure about this..." He murmured.

"The town will be fine without us for a day or two." Cody assured, "And I get to look for more of the Oaken Crow's missing loot!"

"You mean we do!" Blades announced, "While Cody and I are in the caverns- safe and out of harm's way, I might add- you can let loose your electrical powers and get a grip on them."

"I thought I felt a little crackling coming from you, Copper." High Tide murmured as he looked to the police bot, "That little taser of yours goin' haywire?"

Chase shuffled, "Not... Exactly... I have been struggling to maintain my abilities under wraps lately... Blades suggests that I practice and regain control of them out here where no humans can be harmed."

"Hmm. Probably for the best. Your island's crawlin' with them... No offense to you, Blip, of course."

"None taken."

Cody patted Chase's leg, "It'll be fine, Chase. We'll be in the caverns, and you can do whatever you need to on the shoreline. Don't worry."

"You...You're right, Cody." Chase straightened his shoulders, "I am examining this out of perspective. It will be fine... Just fine..."

"Oaken Crow Island straight ahead." High Tide announced.


Chase wasn't sure what to do next.

He'd agreed to Blades' plan to bring him out here to the island to practice, but he didn't really have much faith in the plan. Would it really make a difference where he was?

But he followed along, and then once they were ashore, High Tide pulled back out and headed around the island towards the sea cave the Oaken Crow had once rested in.

The air remained cold and moist, blowing up under Chase's armor and chilling him into his inner circuits. Mist enveloped either side of the beach he stood on, leaving the rest of the island in a haze and hard to see inland. Chase heard the low moaning sounds of nearby puffins echoing through the air, but otherwise, he'd been left alone. It was perfect for him to release his control over his powers...

...Except now it wasn't making any difference.

He looked down at his hands, trying to focus on pulling his electricity up to the surface. It was safe now, right? There were no humans that could be hurt, or buildings that could be damaged. He could let loose, as Blades had said... So why was it suddenly so hard?

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