45. Camp Itsa TRAPsee

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Cody and Graham hadn't gotten too far into the cave, but the loud boom still slammed their ears, and the cave walls rattled from the sound.
"Get down!" Graham shouted, placing himself over his youngest brother as rocks began to tumble down from the ceiling. The shaking and sound only lasted a few seconds, and the engineer was relieved that no large pieces of rock had fallen on top of them. "Ugh... Cody? Are you okay?"

Cody lifted his head from the ground, giving a nod. "I-I'm okay... Blades!" he remembered, and they both scrambled up to their feet.

They ran back around the corner and found the entrance to the cave was sealed shut by large debris, the result of explosives. "Did she just-"

"You aren't gittin' outta there until ya fahnd those em'ralds!" Chickadee hollered from outside the cave, "So if ya ever wanna see daylaht agin, ah suggest ya start lookin'! Hard!"

"Lad Pioneer Camp has really changed since I was here...!" Graham hissed, "Blades!?"
Where was he? Did he get away outside of the cave? Was he buried in the rubble?

Then he saw a large, faint shape lying off to the side of the entrance.

Graham reached out and tried to grasp the bot's shoulder, but found that other than a light tingling in his hand, he couldn't touch or feel him; he'd become non-corporeal. He was like a ghost, partially transparent and untouchable. "Oh no..."

Graham...? Blades' voice was that same echoing sound of many voices speaking at once, but weak as he rolled over onto his hands and knees. Ugh... W-What happened...? I-
He paused as he saw his hand and that he could see the stones through it.

"Blades-" Graham started, but then the bot screamed, scrambling up to his pedes and looking himself over with wide, glowing optics. Energy like fire flared off of him, providing a little bit of light in the cave where the flashlight's beam didn't reach. "Blades, calm down-"

Graham! I-I turned into a-
He gasped as his voice echoed off of the walls, sending rumbles through the stone. They all looked around cautiously, and then Blades whispered as he waved his hand through not only himself, but the humans as well. I-I can't feel you! What do I do? H-How do I-

"Just take it easy, Blades." Cody assured, "We'll get this sorted out."

"Cody's right, it doesn't help to panic." Graham agreed.

Oh...! This is what I was afraid of...! I used my powers and now I'm stuck as a ghost and you guys are stuck in here with no way out!

"We'll find a way out, I promise. But first, we need to see if we can contact the others. Can you still get a hold of the other bots in this form?"

Blades swallowed hard, I-I can try...! H-Hello? Chief? Come in, Griffin Rock!... Heatwave? Boulder, anyone...!?
He groaned, It's no good. I probably don't have any sort of radio signal in this form!

"Then we need to figure out how to turn you back... Your mother. She gave you your powers, maybe she can help you."

Blades looked up at the ceiling of the cave, Maybe...
He closed his optics and clenched down, the flares of energy intesifying, but then he relaxed. Ugh...No go on that, either...! She doesn't usually come immediately.

"Then we'll just have to find another way out until she gets here or talks to you."


"Must be the coyotes again..." Cody hummed.

Graham bent down with some sticks and began rubbing them together until a spark appeared. "This'll scare off any wild animals... Look." He pointed ahead, "The smoke's being drawn this way. There must be an opening, if we can find it, we can find our way out."

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