36. A Rule of Two Days

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Heatwave's processor was trying to make sense of it all, it had all happened so fast... But the pain brought it all back.

He and Chief Burns had launched into the burning jungle, spraying down whatever flames and lava flows they encountered. Woodrow had alerted them to the gorillas being nearby and Chief had gotten out to try and communicate with them, but not to Heatwave's surprise, the man was having trouble conveying the message to the apes. What he hadn't expected was to have to dodge a falling tree, and then turn back around to see the gorillas taking off into the trees with Chief slung over Stanley's shoulder.

He had tried to follow, but then the flaming boulders came down from the sky...

Heatwave had lost consciousness for only a moment, but when his senses came back, all he felt was pain. He was on the ground, flaming trees all around him and one of the boulders had not only slammed into his left pede when it crashed, but also scalded the metal.

The humidity of the jungle he'd been complaining about the day before was gone, replaced by a sweltering heat. His vents choked on the smoke, his pede pulsed in pain, and he could see a trail of lava headed his way.

Heatwave looked at the trail the frightened gorillas had made through the brush, and then back at the lava that was approaching him rapidly, at the flames. He pulled himself a little further, trying to get up to his pedes. Pain shot through his leg from his injured pede like lasers, and he collapsed against one of the fallen logs, looking ahead. His tanks were once again empty, and he was in no condition to run.

Panic was washing over his processor. He couldn't save Chief and the gorillas, he couldn't even save himself! Not on his own...

"Huh...Help me...!" He hissed between coughs, looking up at the sky and hoping their mother figure could hear him. He hated calling for help, but he had little choice. "Please...! P-Please...!"

And then came the loud boom and flash of light. He didn't know what sort of help was coming until all at once, the sky split open and a torrential downpour crashed down on the jungle. Wind blew straight down on him as well, like a tornado ripping through the trees.

The heat was lessening, the smoke dissipating... And then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, seeing the glowing silhouette against the charred jungle around him. "Y-You...!"

Come on...

She bent down and took his arm, pulling him up onto his feet. Your mission is not yet finished...

Heatwave pulled his pede up as she sat him down on the log. "Please... I need you to go and help Chief Burns."

That is your mission...

"I can't...! I can't even move my pede, not to mention I'm out of water-"

She stepped back, Can't? How long have you known the word 'Can't', Heatwave? When has that stopped you? And out of water? She motioned to the downpour coming down on them, What do you call this...? You can...

She then waved a hand and some of the water wrapped around his injured pede and formed a cast of sorts, made of solid ice that cooled the pain as well. Now... Go and assist the humans...

Heatwave watched as she disappeared again, and then sighed. Why did she have to do that? He wanted answers from her! But she was right, the humans needed him. How could he say he couldn't do this? Where in the deepest pits of his spark had that thought come from?

He grimaced as he took a step, but then began to quickly limp his way through the jungle; he needed to find Chief Burns.

Following the gorilla's trail was simple enough, but now he had to worry about lava and other fleeing animals. More than once he was startled by falling trees and fleeing birds in droves, but fortunately, they were there and gone just as quickly.

Ghosts of the Present (Rescue Bots AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя