38. A Recipe for Disaster

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Dani looked out the window, watching the dough from above as it oozed its way down the streets. As she looked up, she could barely make out the green speck of Boulder on the move down the mountain and towards the shelter where the road salt was held. "Good thing someone thought to store that salt nearby..."

She looked over as Cody leaned closer to her in the passenger seat, "You never know when your old stuff might come in handy... Hint, hint."

"You're not getting my room, Sir." She muttered, shoving him back into his own seat.

The boy grumbled, crossing his arms and looking out the other window. "Ugh... Maybe I'll just move into the Salt Shelter when we're done..."

"Oh, I know!" Blades thought, "You could come and live in the Bunker with us! We have tons of space down there! However, screen privileges are earned..."

"Eh... I don't think Heatwave would go for that, or for me putting my stuff there."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Cody, you don't need half of that stuff. Give the kiddy stuff away, you'll feel better!"

"Oh yeah? Would you feel better if you gave up your pink elephant?"

"Lumperooni? Well, no! But... That's different."

"How so?"

"It...It just is!" Dani shook her head, "Let's just focus on the mission, okay?"

By the time they arrived at the shelter, Chase and Heatwave were already there, filling their tanks and trunk with salt and shovels.

"Don't worry, partner..." Chief replied as he slammed the trunk shut and a few salt granules tumbled out, "We'll get it vacuumed out once we're done."

"At this point, having a few salt granules in my trunk is the least of my concerns, Chief Burns." Chase admitted.

Blades lowered his winch and scoop claw down to the pile, scooping up a large amount and pulling it up closer to him. A moment later, Boulder arrived. "Took you long enough!" He teased.

Ah, give me a break. You guys were closer. Boulder responded with a chuckle.

We'd better get going. Graham worried, That deep-dish disaster is getting deeper.

"Remember!" Doc Greene informed, "Increasing the dough's salt-yeast ratio will slow down the dough's growth, but it won't stop it completely."

"Well at least it'll save some houses and buy us a little time." Chief Burns informed.

"Alright everybody, pass the salt!" Frankie announced.

As everyone climbed back into their vehicles, they saw Priscilla run from Chase's back seat and climb into Boulder's passenger seat. "What was that about?"

Cody shrugged, "Not sure."

"Maybe she got tired of listening to Chase's police codes?" Dani guessed.


"So... Why'd you swap rides, Priscilla?" Graham asked softly.

His foster sister sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed and lip stuck out in a pout as she stared forward. "Was Chase getting on your nerves?"

"No...!" Priscilla grumbled, "Chase was fine... It was Francine- Erm... Frankie."

"I see... She getting started on one of her science topics?"

"No! She hates me!"

Graham paused, not quite sure how to proceed after that statement. Fortunately, it seemed Boulder did.

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