57. Why We Do What We Do

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The next morning, Cody was back to his usual day job- watching the screens as emergency dispatch. It was slow, quiet, and for the most part- he was alone with his thoughts. Every so often Priscilla would peek in to check on him and ask if he needed something, but otherwise, she was keeping herself busy cleaning up clutter in the house and trying to organize mail into the organizer she'd bought the day before.

She was definitely the 'Filer' to Kade and Cody's 'Pilers.'


Dani's voice on the monitor caught his attention, his eyes shifting up to the screen as she spoke. Have you decided which camp to sign up for, Cody?

Uh duh! Kade cackled with confidence, Am I right, Heatwave?

The firetruck blinked, ...I'm not sure what you're asking, Kade.

The fireman rolled his eyes, Okay, it really all comes down to one, simple question-

How we all put up with you? Dani jabbed.

I was talking to Cody... It's simple, you just have to ask yourself... What do you want to be?

"I don't know," Cody admitted, "There are parts of everybody's jobs I like. Firefighting is exciting, and way more complicated than I thought, and being an EMT, especially one in a rescue copter, is pretty cool, and helps people."

Well, whatever you choose, it's gotta be soon, Bud. Graham reminded, The application's due in just a few days.

"I know, that's why I've decided to-"

He looked down at the desk, finding the pamphlet absent from where he'd last put it. "... Hey, where is the application?" He hoped Priscilla hadn't thrown it away when she was cleaning up, "Priscilla, did you-"

Just keeping it safe for ya! Kade announced, waving the paper in his hand from the screen.

"What?" Priscilla hollered from down the hall.

Cody groaned, "Nevermind!"

Kade, I can't believe you! Dani complained.

That's kinda overstepping, isn't it? Boulder asked with a wince.

Heatwave rolled his optics, Have you met Kade?

Um... Family? Hello?

Chief Burns appeared on a fourth screen, Just letting you know I'm all packed and headed for the ferry.

We'll all meet you down there, Chief. Heatwave informed.

Have to give you a big send-off! Boulder announced with a smile.

"I'm on my way, Dad. Don't leave before I get there." Cody answered as he stood up from the chair.

Wouldn't dream of it, Cody...

Cody nodded, grabbing his coat and hurrying down the hall. "Priscilla-"

"I thought you said nevermind!"

"I-I did! Come on, Dad's headed for the ferry and we're gonna say goodbye at the docks."

Priscilla nodded, taking her foster brother's hand. "Alright alright, just don't knock me off my hoverboard this time!"

"That was an accident!"

"Still counts!"


"Here we are..." Chief Burns announced with a smile as Cody and Priscilla joined the rest of them at the docks, "...All nine of my kids in one place."

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