58. All's Well That Ends Well... Right?

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"Okay, we lift on three..."

"Primus, dear Primus, let this be the last piece of equipment we have to move!"

Salvage smirked as Blurr pleaded to their maker, "That bad, huh?"

"My stabilizers are killing me!"

"Okay, okay... On three. One... two... three!"

With the loud creaking of metal and huffs of air from their vents, the two rescue bots dug into their hydraulics and lifted the massive console up from the floor, shuffling towards the wall little by little.

"Keep moving, keep moving-"

"Augh! My arms are dying!"

"Almost there... Watch your pedes- watch your pedes...! There!"

The console hit the floor with a deep thud, and Blurr stepped back from it, his arms hanging limply at his sides. "Heh... heh... yay...!" He breathed, "...No more big, heavy equipment... After months- perhaps even years- of construction and work... We... are..."

Salvage grinned widely as he overlooked the room, "...Done."

Both bots turned, looking over the room they were in. It was just one room out of dozens, but the last of dozens; one part of a whole building, but the last part of a whole facility. Classrooms, dormitories, training modules, storage. It was all here. All in place, installed, all-

"Well, the construction is done." Salvage acknowledged, "Personal touches will have to be done by the students later-"

"Aaaaand there you go ruining the feeling of accomplishment." Blurr muttered as he seemed to deflate to the floor, "Just enjoy a few moments of achievement here, Salvage."

Both of them sat on the floor in silence, but it only lasted a few seconds before Blurr got up again. "Okay, I've been sitting still for long enough. Time to get ready."

"Ready for what?"

"The party, of course! What's the point of finishing the work if we don't celebrate it with everyone else! Invite Sigma Seventeen over here, the Burnses, get some music going!"

"You really can't go very long without social activity, can you?"

Blurr grinned, "You know me too well, Sal... Now let's get that communications console up and running and tell the bots!"


"Here comes the ferry!" Priscilla hollered, pointing out into the misty ocean. "Hi, Dad!"

"He can't see or hear you from this distance, Priscilla." Graham informed as the girl waved frantically towards the approaching boat.

"Oh, he totally can."

Strangely enough, the entire week the patriarch of the family had been gone, it had kind of been like a vacation for the rest of the Burnses as well. Very little emergencies and problems to solve outside of a random flat tire here, a missing pet there.

With this low-level of activity, the Burnses had put their hands to work on other things. Boulder, Graham, Heatwave, and Kade all worked to assist the construction crew to stabilize the apartment building so the tenants could move back in, which had been completed earlier that morning. Walls patched, floors and supports reset and corrected, and burst pipes replaced.

Blades and Dani handled most of the minor emergencies with Chase, while Cody and Priscilla ran dispatch and ran errands, since their siblings were busy.

Priscilla continued to wave until the mist broke through enough for them to see their dad standing on the deck, who finally waved back. "See!? I told you he could see me!"

Ghosts of the Present (Rescue Bots AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz