22. Chasing Toddlers and Spirits

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"How's the repair going, Doc?" Chief asked hopefully, "Getting close enough to bring your little girl down to size?"

I should have it done soon... Hopefully. How's Cece doing?

Chief Burns sighed as he looked out into the harbor; he figured he should be used to this sort of nonsense by now, but it still left him exhausted both physically and mentally. "It looks like the worst is over..."

"Though the ferry might need some repairs...!" Graham winced as he saw the giant toddler sitting in the water, bouncing the ferry up and down like a toy boat in the bathtub. "Thank goodness Captain Shaw wasn't on it today."

The ferry? Oh dear... Does it look like she's taking a bath?

"You say that like it's a bad thing, Doc." Chief informed, "I don't like bad things."

Erm... It's not the bath I'm worried about. It's what comes after the bath... Naptime. If she doesn't have her stuffed frog, she'll throw the biggest tantrum imaginable!

"I can imagine, Doc." Kade muttered as he pulled up to the scene, "Where's the frog?"

Chief Burns' shoulders slumped, "It's back up at the lab, isn't it...?"

On our way, Dad! Dani announced from above, and she and Blades headed back up towards the mountains.

"Why didn't I retire when I had the chance...?" Chief muttered.

"Because then Barney would be in charge of this operation." Graham reminded.

The chief nodded. "Right. Good plan. Let's just hope Dani and Blades get back soon, I think she's starting to look for her toy..."

"Then we'll give her a new one to play with." Kade informed, and Heatwave opened his door.

"Hop on out, Hayley." The firetruck requested.


"Cuz if this goes south and Kade hurls, I don't want it on you as well as my seats."

"Oh yeah, that's the reason." Kade muttered. "Just get in the water."

Once Hayley was safely out of his cab, Heatwave took off down the dock and then dropped into the surf, reappearing in boat mode before heading out towards the wandering toddler. "You think it'll work?" The teacher asked.

"Erm... Heatwave's EM field is not making me particularly confident." Chase mumbled.

The remaining team watched their approach and then come up beside Cece. She looked down at them and they heard Kade holler something, but it clearly wasn't to Cece's liking, as the next moment Heatwave was being thrown across the harbor. "Heatwave!"

The firebot tumbled multiple times before coming to a stop overturned in the surf. There was a terrifying moment of silence, but then his voice came through the comms. Ow... I'm alright. Kade's a little- They then heard Kade heaving in the background, -Aaaand there he goes.

Cody winced, "At least it's falling into the water and not on your seats, right...?"

The firemen were alright, but Cece was making her way towards the shore now and looking grumpier than ever. Chief Burns saw Blades headed back, moving faster than he'd ever seen him. Whether it was merely him forgoing his fear for speed or using his new powers over air to move faster was irrelevant, what mattered was that hopefully, they were bringing a toy to pacify the giant toddler.

Not quite fast enough, though. Cece was dropping to the ground and screaming almost before she was completely out of the water. Her pounding feet and hands on the sand shuddered under their feet, and both Chase and Boulder dropped to their hands and knees just to keep from toppling over on top of the humans. "Whoa!"

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