Final Author Notes

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Back when I was working on the bits for scenes for Bumblebee's visit to the island, I was trying to figure out how best to finish out the story. I had episodes to follow the storyline of, but so much had changed, so many elements evolved into something new, that I found that some of the last few episodes really didn't fit in at all anymore, and I also found myself hitting a creative wall.

I tried to think of how to redo the final events with the virus in a way that incorporated the new elements and would allow me to branch out past that- to allow the story to flow onward into where I wanted to go- but it just wasn't working.

So I sat down with a piece of paper and decided to talk to the characters themselves, 'okay, then...' I said, 'If how I want to do the ending won't work... What do you guys want to do? How do you want me to finish out this segment of your story?'

And the answer I got was a resounding... "ANGST."

And once I got away from trying to finish the story out on a high note, I found that ideas flew off of the page, so many ideas that I had to put some of them away in a drawer for possibilities later. I regained some of the energy that I'd had for the story in the beginning as I approached the end, and was able to focus on it a lot better than I had before.

But really, the fact that I got this far is owed to you guys, because without your support and comments, I would have had no idea how much potential this story had, and it gave me a lot of training on my writing skills and processes that I don't know if I would have otherwise.

That being said, we have concluded canon events, and what comes up from here on out is very much "I did it because I felt like it." Some of you may think it's weird or out of the blue, but it's me, and I love being able to express it in this way.

Onward we go! To the next checkpoint in our quest!

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