11. Ghosts Answering Phones

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By the time they'd cleaned up the flooding at the Hall, another emergency had popped up; a fire at the island's protected wetlands.

Blades had been confused, wondering how a place called 'The Wetlands' could be on fire... Until they arrived on the scene.

"Here's your answer, Blades." Boulder murmured, "An oil spill."

"Despicable..." Blades muttered as he carefully wiped the oil from a bird's feathers. "Just hold still, I'll get you cleaned up in no time..."

"Gas pipes that have been off for years are bursting, holes drilled into brand-new pipes in the Hall of Inspiration, all of those requests for Mrs. Neederlander and her neighbors to move..." Kade shook his head, "...Definitely sabotage."

"Gee, what gave that away?" Dani muttered as she stirred the cleaning agent into the water, "...But who? You don't think those investors are behind it, do you?"

Chief Burns shook his head, "They don't seem like the kind to go that far themselves...Though if someone else were doing it, I don't think they'd refuse free assistance in convincing people to give up their homes."

Graham sighed, "I don't see why the mayor's so keen on changing this place, it's perfect how it is!"

"That's what everyone but the mayor says too." Heatwave muttered, "Too bad Mayor Luskey's too blinded by the idea of free publicity to see that."

Chief paused as he heard the phone ring, and then answered it. "Cody? Where have you been?"

I'll tell you later, but guess what? Madeline Pynch is- Oh no! No, stop! Let go of me! Dad! Da-

"Cody? Cody!" Chief called into the phone, but the line had gone suddenly dead. "Cody's in trouble, team, and it sounds like Madeline Pynch is involved!"

Chase transformed quickly, "Get in, Sir."

Chief Burns climbed into his partner's seat and gripped the wheel. "Hurry, track Cody's commlink. Hopefully, we're not too late..."


Cody struggled against the ropes that had been firmly tied around his arms and legs, fighting to get himself loose. "You can't do this!" He shouted, "My family won't let you get away with this!"

"Oh, I don't think it'll be that hard to get what I want..." Madeline grabbed the teen's chin with one hand, "...I'm so very good at it...!"

Cody glared at the woman before yelping as a thick piece of cloth was shoved into his mouth and tied behind his head.

"We can't have you blabbing about my plans to your father, Cody Burns. It'll just ruin my plans for a resort!"

She lifted his head with a hand, "This is just a precaution...Not that it makes much difference. Who else knows where you are, after all...? Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do."

What Cody wouldn't give for one of those laser watches Maven Danger had in those films Kade watched, then he could just cut the ropes with it! He scratched his wrists as he fought to loosen the ropes, he had to get out of here. Because Madeline was right, nobody else knew where he was, and without his commlink and phone, there was no way for his family to find him!

If Cody had looked to the side, however, he might've seen that glimmering in the reflection of a metal sheet, a pair of white, glowing eyes blinked, and then slowly faded away.


"There! It's Cody's phone!" Graham worried.

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