29. How We Got to Where We Are

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It would still be some time before they heard back from Agent Fowler, as he needed time to look into the situation, but for now, life as the Burnses continued.

A few days had passed and the bots had decided to set their next project to building a groundbridge that would connect to the one Salvage was building at the center, so that they could travel back and forth and assist in building more efficiently. Since the plans had been to have a link between the island and the center all along, Salvage had all of the equipment they'd need, and sent it through a one-way portal into the bunker, where the bots thought it would be more secure from civilians. The last thing they needed was Mayor Luskey accidentally transporting himself to Uruguay.

With all four of the bots helping, Doc Greene assisting with the programming side and Boulder's construction experience, it was almost operable within forty-eight hours. A test run would be needed to be sure, but that could come later.

Heatwave's audio receptors picked up a thumping coming from outside the room they were setting up in, and he went to investigate the cause. When he turned the corner, he found Slipchain was back, and kicking the scrap out of his training post. Her balance, the speed and smooth motion of her kicks and punches... The firebot shook his helm, telling himself to stop staring at her.

"Needed to decompress?" He spoke up.

Slipchain must not have noticed his presence, because his question startled her mid-kick. She gasped as she lost her balance, falling backwards off of the platform. Instinct overrode Heatwave's thoughts and he jumped out, catching her in his arms. "I gotcha- Oof!"
He planted his pedes to keep from tumbling right over as well, and then she squirmed out of his arms frantically. "Sorry."

Slipchain got a few steps between them, her EM field flaring with embarrassment. "Me... Me too..." she murmured, avoiding optic contact and then frowning. "Ergh... And it didn't even help."

"What's the matter?"

"...Ever since I found Priscilla in that state, I've felt... something. I don't know what to call it."


"Well... Yes, but not like normal anger... Anyone being treated that way is appalling, but Priscilla... I don't know why, but it seems like I'm even more angry because it was her specifically. Like it doesn't matter who it was, they hurt her and I have to do something about it!"

Heatwave nodded slowly, "...I think it's what the humans call 'Mama Bear Syndrome.' I would feel it whenever the others were being bullied at the academy, and Kade feels it whenever someone picks on Dani, Graham or Cody. Whenever someone picked on them, it was like 'I'm the only one who can tease them!' you know?"

"I suppose... But it's not like that for me. I didn't grow up alongside Priscilla, I barely know the femme, truly."

It was odd hearing her call Priscilla a femme, but now that they knew she was a COIL, it made sense. "You don't have to have grown up with them... I've seen humans get that way over some random kid at the playground. Not their kid, but you still feel a need to protect them."

Heatwave leaned back against the wall, "...You're not used to being attached to someone, that's all."

Slipchain's shoulders slumped and she looked at the floor with a sigh, "...No. It's nice to know I have someone watching my back, but... It's foreign. During the war, it was dangerous to make attachments with anyone because you must likely were never going to see them again, especially when you were in the business of spying on the enemy."

"I get it... I'm glad most of my-"

Heatwave paused, considering his words before realizing that no matter what he'd thought before, it was true. "...That most of my brothers are still alive and well."

Ghosts of the Present (Rescue Bots AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin