18. Bonds Forged in Childhood and Trial

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"Okay, and one last adjustment... There!"

Boulder looked up from the wires he'd been setting up, grinning as he saw the screen flicker to life and the console hum with power. "There we are! One makeshift command center all set up and ready for you, Slipchain!"

Slipchain looked around the space, "It looks good, Boulder..."

Slipchain's Sanctuary, as Cody had decided to name it, had been one of the old warehouses on the edge of town. While getting complete solitude from the humans was not really an option without being in a dangerous location, it was much quieter than the district the Firehouse sat on.

Boulder and Blades had teamed up to get it ready, with Boulder getting the lights, communications systems, and other technical work done, and Blades handling interior decorating. He restrained himself to minimal, with one corner making up the communications and defensive station, another having a berth and energon storage, and the other side bearing shelves and chests to hold any collectables she decided to keep. Slipchain thought it was a little silly, since she had no intention of collecting Earth baubles like he did, but it was the thought that counted, she supposed.

Boulder tapped a few buttons, "This is Boulder, calling the Firehouse. Can you hear us?"

Affirmative. Transmission is coming through loud and clear, Boulder.

Boulder was briefly confused by his teammate's voice on the other end, having expected Cody since Chief was out on patrol, but then he remembered Chase saying that Chief Burns had taken his old cruiser out that morning. Heatwave guessed Chief Burns wanted to make sure the cruiser stayed in working order in case they needed it, but Blades was suspicious of Chase. His thought was that Chase had requested Chief not go on patrol with him, but why was still up for debate.

One thing was certain though; ever since his breakdown on Lord Chumley's ship and their rescue from the collector, Chase had been unusually... Distant. He had spent a lot of time alone and appearing to actively avoid his fellow bots. Stress pulsed through his EM field, and no amount of Blades' gentle encouragement to talk to them about whatever was bothering him had been in vain. He'd never been a super emotional or open-lipped bot, but this level of secrecy was not normal for him... It reminded the bulldozer of the time he'd gone undercover to bust Evan and Myles and flat-out ignored Chief Burns' transmissions and even called them all names to maintain cover.

Something was up, and Boulder knew it was only a matter of time before it came to light. Whatever Chase was hiding, it had to be for a good reason.

"Thanks Chase. Transmission sounds good. See you back home, over and out."

He disabled the transmission, letting Slipchain step up to the console. "There, now if you ever need or want to contact us, you'll have a stronger signal to get through no matter where we are."

"Thank you, Boulder. I appreciate you putting in the time to get this set up for me. As nice as your setup in the Burns' Firehouse is-"

"The constant flow of conversation and foot traffic was stressing you out." Boulder guessed, earning a nod. "You're not used to this much interaction."

"Correct...Although..." Slipchain looked out the window, her brows furrowing. "...I can't say that it hasn't had its advantages."

"How do you mean?"

"I...I don't know what it is, but this past few weeks or so while I've been staying with you during your work to get this place ready haven't left me drained... I actually feel..." she was quiet for a moment, "...Invigorated by your company."

"Hmm...Sounds like perhaps an extrovert..."


"It's a human term. I'll explain some other time..." He gave her a smile, "Need anything else before I leave you to settle in?"

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