24. Part-Time Disasters

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Salvage must've been nearby on the mainland, because when they called him up, he was arriving on the repaired ferry within the afternoon.

The recycling truck hadn't actually been on Griffin Rock in over a year, and even then it was only for a brief check-in and to collect a tool of Sigma 17's that had been left behind and he needed for some sort of project. With Graham having been at school on the Mainland, Dani off on one of her test flights and Kade still avoiding the rest of his family at the time, only Cody and Chief had briefly seen him that time.

For the other three, this was the first time they'd seen him since the day of "The Incident."

In the fashion of happy surprises, Cody had told Salvage nothing about the bots being back, only that they were having trouble getting their communcations tower working and could use his help. He'd used the bots' old transmission equipment in the Command Center to contact him, emphasizing to the collecting cybertronian their need for a solution if that was the only way to get a message through.

He rolled off of the ferry before transforming and giving a wave to Captain Shaw. "Thanks for the lift!" He called, and then looked out over the island. A mist was rolling in from the sea, leaving the docks in a mild haze. "Gosh... This island brings back memories now..."

He then looked down as he heard soft puttering, and saw Cody roll up to the docks in his go-cart. "Hey there, Cody."

"Hi, Salvage!" Cody greeted with a smile, "Glad you could come out and help. We could use it."

"I figured as much... Hop in, it'll be faster."

Cody waited until Salvage had picked up his go-cart and placed it in his scoop before climbing into his passenger seat. "It's up on those cliffs."

"Yeah. I can see it sparkin' from here... No wonder your communications are down."

The truck rolled out and along the edges of town before up the slopes towards the cliffs. It all seemed so quiet... Peaceful. It was one of the things Salvage liked about the island, though such uneventful days were few and far between.

As he reached the plateau, he looked up at the sparking, towering spire of metal. It was certainly low-tech, even for the humans but especially compared to what they had on Cybertron. "This thing looks like it's about to just topple over into the sea!"

Then a voice came from the mist, "That's what we're worried about too, Salvage..."

Salvage looked off to the side, and his optics widened as he saw four bots coming towards him, breaking free of the mist alongside their human partners. "...Am I seein' things...?"

"Only what's here, Salvage." Boulder greeted, "We're back."

Salvage took a hesitant step towards them, his jaw hanging a little and his hand reaching out a little. He didn't seem to fully believe what he was seeing until Boulder reached up and took his hand, grasping it firmly. The corners of the recycling truck's mouth turned upward, though he still looked astonished. "Well...Well what do ya know..."

"It's good to see you, Salvage."

"Y-Yeah... You too." He looked back at the other three, "All of you... Ya know, Blurr and I...We never got to say our goodbyes, ya know? I mean, we weren't as close as the Burnses, but if it weren't for you four, Blurr and I might still be trapped in that chunk of ice."

"How're you two doing, by the way?" Blades asked, "I'd assume Optimus told you guys to stick around if you're still here on Earth."

Salvage nodded, "After you all... Left, Optimus told me and Blurr to keep up our work here. We haven't heard anything different, so we've been- as the humans say- 'Truckin' along.'" He gave a smile, "I don't mind it. This planet's got enough old stuff for me to repurpose for a lifetime." His smile then faded as he looked out, "Blurr though..."

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