we need to talk about kevin chapter 8

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Mom? is that really you?

yes my dear child, its me your real mother . Im dead and I am a ghost but fear me not I will not harm you but I need you to listen, we need to talk about kevin and your couisin Taylor.

The moment i heard that wispher out my dead mothers mouth I knew then that Ta'sha needed to hear this so I told my mom to folllow me down stairs. when I got down there, Ta'sha was no where to be found. I began to panic like what if what my mother had to tell me is bad and they kidnapped her or worst killed her...

Ta'sha! , where are you? , I yelled.

What do you want trina? I was just on the phone whats going on crack ! her phone went on the floor. Ummm trina you do know that its a- a -a ghost and oh my god she looks like your mother. Ta'sha said. I know thats Zyra my real mother shes dead but scratch that I need to tell you something important . Go ahead mom what do you need to tell us about Kevin and Taylor?

Kevin is not who you think he is nor taylor when she was telling you that story about Katherine and her son. It was all true but she left one thing out of course Katherine had a son and a daughter she needed my body for her daughter not her son she never cared about her son thats why he took over that innocent young mans body and walks this earth as Kevin paulster . Trina honey you haven't reconize his name at all out of all these years you knew him? sweetie I watched over you every since I died do you know how hard it was on the otherside watching my little girl follow in my foot steps the only thing was your imaginary friend was a ghost and it was Kevin.The more you guys played and spended time together he grew feelings for you he fallin in love with you about time you was a young teen. your present as a young beautiful human being pushed him to taking over someones body quicker. when he finally found a body he had to play a role so you wouldn't reconzie him but I would at least thought you would had remeber him.Thats why he was your way out of the otherside hes loves you.

Oh my god of course I remeber now, Kevin my imaginary friend he could'nt stand Taylor.

Oh but he did since Taylor was the one that took over your cousin yo' lonna body no one could see it but the night before I died I notice she was kinda acting wierd and not her self. The night I died and my first day of being on the otherside when I looked at her I knew then it was'nt who I thought it was.

so the woman I been living with and the woman who took care of me is'nt my real cousin. Damn is my whole life a big lie?

Tahsa: this is crazy I cant believe it I knew that boy since he was little and I cant even believe I didn't realize something was different about him not once all this time . this just proves to show I need to pay attention more in life because theres obviously more going on then Ipay attention to.

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