The great escape chapter 20

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Kevin grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and Lit the tasue candle . I kicked the candle out of his hand and before he could pick it up I took the rusty screwdriver and stabbed him as hard as I could in the eye , I grabbed the tasue candle and ran as fast as I could up the stairs . He got up in anger and grabbed my left foot using all his strength to pull me down I kicked him in his nose with my right foot and closed and locked the door when I finally reached the top then I realized we was at my father's house but my father was no where to be found . Kevin started banging on the door and finally broke it down with a single kick . I couldn't think straight but I knew what to do was run . That's exactly what I did I ran and eventually made it outside , I ran to my father's red mustang and when I went to open the door to the driver side their my dad was laying their with 4 tasue burns on his right arm , soul less , life less . Just seeing him something in my heart started , a fire I felt my heart burning my eyes swelling up , I clenched my fist so tight and ran back in the house and punched Kevin in the jaw as soon as I seen him .
Is it safe to say that I hoped I broke it but I could stop I punched him non stop and before I can go for another hit he stopped my fist and pushed me into a brown wooden rocking chair . I couldn't even feel the pain of pieces of wood sticking in my skin but I got up and grabbed the clear case and smashed it against his head . I stomped him in the face twice breaking his nose and jaw . I got down and smashed his head into the hard wooden floor 5 times until his skull cracked . When his skull finally did go crack ! I stopped eventually I came back to sanity and realized what I've done I wanted to cry but I couldn't imagine it but I felt nothing , no sympathy no remorse nothing. I grabbed the tasue candle and repeated the words "tasue Tasan tasay " I repeated that 3 times and broke it Kevin and his spirit is now free . It's not going to heaven and after what I just did neither am I . I guess I'll see him in hell.

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