sweater weather chapter 11

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I slowly open my eyes I begin to notice that my surroundings were different and were moving! Kevin where the hell are we and what did you do? you freaking psychopath you realize this is called kidnap right?

Kevin: and here we go , look Katrina I know it looks bad but I did exactly what I told you I was going to do. The only bad thing about my plan was that I didn't get to kill them all of them so that might be a problem.

Katrina: as I look around and I notice the music playing on the radio I realize that it's one of my favorite song: sweater weather by the neibourhood. I began to search for my phone I pat down all my pockets and still nothing! ( Katrinas thoughts) , my goodness where is my phone and I wonder where Norman Bates the second is taking me , *signs* psycho. Kevin can I at least sit in the front I don't know if you notice or not but im not a little girl. Sure but you can climb the seat besides more fun for me anyway. Kevin said with a grin. You just come with the whole package don't you? your a psycho and oh woo who would of knew that you are also a pervert too gosh this just gets better and better dose it. Like a idiot I climbed over the seat and the first thing I notice was the music that was on it was also one of my favorite songs : feel real by Deptford goth. If anyone knows me they will know this song puts me into a deep trans. *Kevin looks at Katrina and see the trans she's put in*

Kevin: you know im not a bad guy im just a teenager in love with a girl.
* Katrina looks at Kevin and glares out the window*
(Katrina thoughts)
Now that I think of it Kevin is actually kinda cute I mean he's gorgeous he has greenish brownish gray eyes and those lips my goodness I just wanna kiss them and he has abs so that's a point . woah wait what are you thinking ? Katrina this is absurd your actually realizing how in love you actually are with this pyscho for god sake he kidnapped you get it togther .

Kevin: its been crazy today I know you dieing and coming back to life and bringing my ghostly mother with you and finding out your cousin who has been taking care off you all your life is actually my sister and that your mom is a ghost and is still alive and I kind of kidnapped you to save you but there's more to the story that you obviously don't know about . were an hour away from our destination I'll explain when we get to the hotel I just need you to stick with me .

Blah blah! Oh my gosh there's always " more to the story" what now! Nothing can't get any worse ya know ghost , love, death its crazy I just wish I was back on the otherside I wish you wasn't in love with me ! I WISH I JUST STAYED DEAD! Just that fast kevin stopped the car and as soon as I know he leaned over and kissed me and the only thing I can think of at that moment was that I didn't want him to stop I liked it but he slowly released and looked me in the eye as he slowly leaned away and he said were on our way hold on . once again like a idiot I listened !

(Back at the house) Tasha: there gone and I found Katrina's phone in the basement . Zyra ? You don't think kevin found out and took her do you? Because if he did that's going to be a problem . zyra: I know call katherine and Taylor and warn them we have some hunting to do!

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