death chapter 2

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Iopen my eyes slowly and look around I see lights and my cousin! She's motionless and she's crying so hard it looks like a waterfall but not of beautiful water its tears of sadness. I took another look a round , I'm In a hospital bed I must of passed out or something as I slowly get up to comfort my cousin and let her know I'm okay I touch her shoulder and she dosent turn around and look at me she dosent acknowledge me she just stays in the same position and cries . Its like I wasn't actually their , so I ran to the nearest nurse I spotted and I say " excuse me miss" and she walks right through me . I turned back and looked around curiously kinda scared and the first thing that came to my mind is that i no longer exist , I'm dead !

I'm officially on the other side the side where their isn't any type of living humans or animals or anything its just you . Your all alone and no one can see you nor hear you , you can't physically move anything so its not like you can have fun and hunt someone and be a scary ghost . That would be awesome to do though now that I think about it ha I'm genius. If you ask me the other side is no different from the living side I was still alone no one really could see me and no one could hear me so its kinda like life except I can't touch anything and I can't get deviest and can't get evil pranks pulled on me and lied to and it sucks because I can't listen to music niether read any good books . I can see the world still its their but I'm just not in it .

Its been a day so far since I been on the other side , I've been watching over my cousin lately she's kinda taking my death hard . What do I expect she practically rasied me shes like a older sister I never had and by the way have I mention that her name is Taylor? Sorry but yeah that's her name , I feel kinda bad for her she has to go through that good thing her boyfriend brion will help her through this ! Surprised? A voice echoed through the thin silent air . That can't be? Someone else is here? With Me I'm not alone? Yes my child you never were alone , the voice said again and as soon as I turned around I couldn't believe my eyes it was a women who have spoke , it was my mother !

Mom? "Yes my gorgeous Katrina its me Katherine I'm your mother". Mom? Where have you been !? How are you here right now? What do you mean you never left me ? You left me when I was 5. " baby their is some things you don't know that you need to know, your anxiety attack? Yeah I was right by your side every single heart beat every heavy breath and every ache and the non -stop hand shaking . I was their my child I always have been ". Where did you go ? I asked with a curious look on my exhausted face . " I died , the same way you did except it was your father who caused it I remember like it was yesterday that dirty ignorant man , he got me pregnant and after I had you he left! Just like that I never heard from him again . A week after having you he left me. a voice mail and it said "take care of my baby and enjoy life with her I hope she give you hell ha love you bye " I hated that man ! As soon as I was about to compulsively scream to the bottom of my lungs I got an anxiety attack just like you and as soon as I opened my eyes from the black out I was dead".

Mom , I'm sorry I didn't know and wait if you died the same way I did this got to be connected somehow. Is their a way out ? " their is but your not going to like it no , not one bit . said my mother. "HOW!?" I asked. " true love , only your true love can see you. If you find your true love you will find your way back on earth living , alive Katrina its simply called a exit effect , the way out is the oppisite of the way you got in here on the other side". What that's crazy I'm not going to find my true love its impossible. Nothing is impossible my dear child , my mother said

Me:oh well then why are you still here (giggles as I speak)

My mom: ha well honey I just haven't found the one!

Me: *laughes* u really think we can do this?

My mom: I know so , were going to do it together.

see me now?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя