the truth chapter 9

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Where did Kevin and Taylor go? we can't have those to alone they might of found there mother by now who knows. Katrina said.

Ta'sha: what do we do now? we have three ancient ghost roaming the earth doing god knows what and two took over two bodies of complete strangers.

Zyra: look girls if we are going to find them and hopefully get rid of them for good we need to work together and think very , very hard to were we think they have might went.

Katrina use me! , use me as bate Kevin is in love with me right? then why not I mean it sounds like a good plan we find them pretend were not onto them and I act normal and I stall him why you and Ta'sha go find Taylor and Katherine.

We all agreed to the plan I made and the first thing we thought of was to call Kevin and we waited to see if he would answer and when we did he picked up in less then 5 seconds...

Kevin: hello?

me: hey it's Katrina , where are you ? and where is Taylor?

Kevin: look Katrina listen you cannot trust Taylor or my mother , Katherine. I know it's weird but ill explain if you meet me at my house , when me and Taylor was upstairs she must of contact my mother and as soon as I can turn my head I heard my mother's voice and as soon as I knew it we was gone and appeared at my house. Taylor and my mother left somewhere and they told me to stay here, they are planning something big and we need to be prepared . Look I know you know just about everything but now you need to hear the truth. Bring Ta'sha and your mother Zyra this is important that you guys know this.

What did he say? , Ta'sha asked. He need us to meet him at his house , all of us he wants to tell us the truth. *Katrina, Ta'sha, Zyra all leave in Taylors blue honda and drives to Kevin house* When we finally arrived I knocked on his door and just when I was about to knock again the door creeked open slowly like we were in a bad horror movie. Kevin ? where are you were here you said you needed to tell us the truth. Katrina quick we need to leave my mother and Taylor are on there way back hurry we need to hop in the car and get as far away as possible from here and ill explain everything in the car. * they all get into the car and closes the door and Katrina zooms off*

Tasha: feww! that was close but go ahead Kevin tell us the truth. Kevin: okay so the story Taylor told us was true but the she forgot that im a ghost and I took over the life and body of Kevin Paulster I know it sounds bad but I just couldn't do it anymore I had to leave.

I am indeed her son but I despite her in so many ways . It was not simple though you know taking over someones body there was a process you had to watch over the body you presume to take over thats why me and Taylor fitted in so well. My mother knew from day one that I was in love with you Katrina that's why when you died she knew all we had to do was find me and she could carry out with her plan.I don't mean no harm to no one but my sister and mother are the real ones you need to fear they are up to something and only Zyra can stop it. Your mother the primary source to my mothers presence. Your grandparents couldn't stand me because your grandmother Christine knew what I was going to do as soon as I found the life of Kevin.

Your grandparents and mother started this and your mother can end it with your help. My goodness this world is truly full of suprises I swear but this is just outrageous obsurd I tell you. We have to do this though im not going to carry this out through out generations I refuse to let my child go through what me and my mother went through. What are we waiting for ? Lets end this once and for all and then when this is all set and done me and Katrina will get married and have childr... * everyone akwardly looks at Kevin* Umm did I say that out loud? Kevin asked. Uh yea you did !

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