Melanie Thorson

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    Melanie Thorson was not a nice person and this was a fact. There were multiple news sources, gossip magazines and paparazzi pictures that proved just that. The sixteen year old had made quite a reputation for herself that for once isn't connected to her father Victor Thorson.

    Growing up Melanie was always in the spotlight due to her dad becoming a world famous NASCAR racer. She always had to be the perfect youngest daughter and carry around innocence for her entire life. The entire Thorson family had roles to play.

    Victor was the dad. The strongest person in the family, the NASCAR legend, the one that inspired others. Thalia Thorson was the heart of the family. The mother, the caretaker, the kind beauty, the socialite. Clara Thorson was the eldest sister. She was in charge of taking over the company and the Thorson name when her dad retired. She was also supposed to be the gorgeous sibling, the one who everyone fell for. And then there was Melanie. The youngest sister. The innocent, generous, one of the family. She was in charge of always being happy, always being on for the cameras and just like her sister, people adored her.

    But things aren't always as they seem. Cameras can lie and so can people and that is exactly what the Thorsons did.

    Victor was cold hearted and cruel. He had expectations for all members of his family and when they couldn't meet them he used their weaknesses against them. Thalia became distant to her daughters once Clara got to highschool. She figured that Clara could now be in charge of both her and Melanie.

    As for the two sisters, they also disregarded the roles they were meant to play. Clara turned out to be sarcastic and a little cocky but always showed her kind side to those closest to her. Then there's Melanie, well Melanie didn't keep her innocence for long. Once she got into high school she started to go out with more friends and do things that earned her a not so nice reputation. But despite all of that both girls were somehow still adored all thanks to their father and their future actions.

    However, this is still the past and not during Melanie's college years; those years were seemingly her golden years after she helped out her best friend in senior year. Right now she is still stuck in the runt that is high school.

    "Melanie Renée, are you even listening to me right now?!" Victor Thorson snapped at his daughter as he threw the magazine down in front of her, "Do you know how damaging this is for me?" He asked, not even bothering to cover up his selfishness.

    Melanie didnt even bother to respond to her fuming dad. She just sat there in his office chair, her mouth slightly ajar as she stared up at the ceiling. Clara and Addilyn often called this expression, the Jennifer Lawrence elevator scene from Catching Fire. It was long but it was accurate.

    "Melanie!" Victor picked up the magazine and slammed it on his desk again.

    "Hearing you loud and clear, Vic." Melanie drawled sarcastically as she looked up at her dad, annoyed.

    She took a second to look at the gossip magazine with her on the cover. She was wearing a dark red dress and her long brunette hair was down and straight as it was usually. Her blue eyes were covered by her bangs but it was obvious that she was under some kind of influence.

    "Watch your tone you little brat!" He glared at her as he sat down again, "Do you even think about your actions, Melanie? They caught you at a party drunk off your ass again! Why can't you be more like Addilyn? She never does these types of things!"

    "I don't know dad, maybe because I'm not her?" Melanie scoffed at the mention of her best friend, "That and she's getting a little busy with Ryder right now, who by the way was also at the party but apparently him doing a keg wasn't magazine worthy!"

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