Chapter 2

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Waking up to someone that you love is exciting, but always waking up and expected to constantly have morning sex is a little less exciting.

    Melanie looked to the side where her boyfriend had just gotten off of her and left for the bathroom leaving her alone with her different thoughts. She huffed and looked back up at the mural on her ceiling.

    "I never get to win the race." The girl mumbled the double entendre to herself out of bitterness.

    "What was that darling?" Her boyfriend called out in his Scottish accent.

      Melanie's eyes widened as she realized she didn't mutter the sentence as quietly as she thought she did. She sat there panicking for a few seconds before responding.

     "Uhh I just asked what you wanted to eat for breakfast?" She called back cringing as she covered her eyes with her hands.

     The man in the bathroom was silent for a second before he responded, "Just eggs and toast!"

     "Okay!" Melanie sat up in bed and pulled one of his sweaters over her head before standing up.

     She gave the bathroom one last glance before leaving the room to go to the kitchen. She didn't mind making breakfast for him considering he was always taking her out to lunch or to dinner. He really was a sweet guy which is why she hated herself for not always being happy with him.

     Melanie agreed that they had their moments but he was constantly busy with racing for her dad and somehow his stories always revolved around him and her dad which really didn't get her in the mood.

     She pulled her hair up out of her face and began to cook the simple meal that he had requested. Halfway through Melanie remembered what day it was and bit her lip gently. She walked over to the fridge to make sure that they had enough yogurt for her friend to eat.

    Melanie knew any type of yogurt cheered her best friend up as odd as it sounded. In fact one of their best memories had happened in a frozen yogurt shop.

     The girls were fifteen years old and were laughing about Melanie's most recent mishap with the paparazzi when a boy who looked around their age spoke to them, well mostly Melanie. But their favorite part was that he had an Australian accent. To the date Addilyn and Melanie made jokes that one day they would fly to Australia to find him again. Typically, they would say those jokes after a failed date.

    "What made you so happy?" A Scottish accent tore through her memories of the Australian boy.

      "You!" Melanie responded as she kept the smile on her face before turning to plate the breakfast to avoid looking at him for a moment.

        The Australian boy was in the past and was probably married by now, oh, and back in Australia not Concord, North Carolina.

         To the date it had been one year since Geniveve had broken Addilyn's heart and her future. So it was a safe bet that getting up in the morning was anything but pleasant.

        Addilyn groaned as she heard laughter and voices coming from the kitchen. As much as she loved Melanie and how happy she was that her friend was finally in a stable and healthy relationship, she hated how loud the couple could be in more ways than just talking.

       She draped an arm over her eyes as if it would drown out the sounds of the two pairs of voices. When that didn't work Addilyn opened her eyes again and stared up at her very decorative ceiling.

       She had always been very artistic so when the two girls moved in together Addilyn took it upon herself to decorate the entire house pretty much all by herself. This included painting murals on each of the girls ceilings. While Melanie had an ocean and lighthouse, Addilyn had a meadow with all of her favorite flowers.

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