Chapter 28

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"Did you run here?" Emmet whispered to his girlfriend who was still by the fence.

Melanie nodded, "Yes we did" She laid her head on his shoulder smiling down at Roselyn to avoid watching her two friends make out again, "Hi Rosie" she gently held the baby's hand in hers allowing her to play with her ring.

"They look really happy" Emmet commented as he watched Shay and Addilyn smile at each other with novel worthy love and admiration.

"They do" Melanie smiled as she looked away from Roselyn to her best friends who got their fairytale ending.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked her when he remembered that she had run there.

"Of course, I'm officially an aunt!" Melanie laughed softly, nudging him with her arm, "But I probably should sit down just in case I throw up again."

"Again?" Emmet's eyes widened as he watched her walk into the backyard, "How much did you drink?"

"Um, an appropriate amount" Melanie shrugged, avoiding his question completely.

"And that amount is?" Emmet followed her with wide eyes.

"Enough to make me throw up!" Melanie sat down at one of the tables playing with her hair.

Emmet gave her a look before sitting down next to her. He would go get her water but currently Roselyn was about to fall asleep so he didn't want to disturb her.

The brunette to his side watched the two of them with a smile on her face. Seeing him with Roselyn made her love for him grow even stronger along with her feelings starting to change about having a baby of her own. Of course she was still skittish around the idea of becoming pregnant but she wasn't opposed to surrogacy or even adoption.

"What?" He asked, breaking her thoughts once he noticed that she was staring at him.

Melanie blinked and paused for a moment trying to figure out what to say, "You know you're really good with her" She finally answered, going with a somewhat truthful answer.

"Oh" Emmet stated, glancing down at Roselyn then at her, "Does it turn you on?"



All good things must come to an end. That's what Melanie constantly believed and that's what she always told herself about her life. The good in her life wouldn't last forever and today was proving that fact.

It was April first and the entire day felt like one big April fools joke. Nothing seemed real in the given moment. Sitting in the hospital on the cold tile floor seemed like a dream. Her father getting arrested? Dream. Meeting Emmets mom? Dream. Emmet getting into a car crash? Nightmare.

It all started two hours ago at a charity race. Everything was going perfect until obviously it wasn't.

"Seriously, his staring is really fucking creepy" Adam muttered as he sat with Melanie, Shay and Addilyn in their usual spots on the bleachers.

Since it wasn't a proper race, she and Adam didn't have to be a part of the pit crew. Instead they could sit up in the stands and actually enjoy it instead of stressing each other out over trying to come up with a race plan.

Melanie looked up from her phone at James who was staring up at them from the track. Although his usual stares looked more like he was longing for her, this one seemed almost as though he was guilty of something.

"He's making the same face he did when you caught him cheating." Addilyn commented an eyebrow raised as she looked over at where James stood.

"Yeah, he is" Melanie slowly turned around to look at where her father was standing with a hint of a grin on his face. She turned back around and noticed James was now smiling back at her father.

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