Chapter 34

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On the morning of her twenty-fourth birthday Addilyn was woken up by a pounding on her bedroom door. It was the same routine her and Melanie always had. Scaring each other to wake the other up to get a start in the morning.

"Melanie knock it off, there is a baby in this house!" She could hear Shay scold her friend.

"I'll stop when she wakes up" Melanie retorted.

There was a sound of a scuffle before Melanie's scream was heard.

"Emmet, put me down!" Addilyn heard her demand.

That made the blonde scramble to get out of bed and open her door to watch what was going on. She covered her mouth with her hand at the sight of her best friend being held over the other man's shoulder.

Melanie lifted her head to look at the other woman, "Hi baby!" She smiled at her, "Happy birthday!" After she greeted Addilyn she went back to trying to kick the other man's head.

Emmet raised one of his hands and looked over at Addilyn, "Happy birthday, ow Mel!" He glared at the woman's back when she dug her hands into his side to try and get him to drop her.

Shay shook his head at the two of them before walking over to Addilyn. "Hi," he said softly as she put her arms around him.

"Hi" Addilyn smiled up at him, kissing his jaw gently.

Shay smiled as he played with some of her hair, "Happy birthday" he told her, kissing her forehead softly before narrowing his eyes at the other two now on the couch, "Not on the couch!" He scolded annoyed.

"We weren't doing anything!" Melanie defended as she rested her arms on the back of the couch.

"Yet" Emmet answered from behind the couch before pulling Melanie back down.

Shay rolled his eyes at them, "I hate them now"

"I know you do" Addilyn giggled as she played with the edge of his sweater, "But you also love them"

"Half of the time" Shay responded tilting his head to the side a little, "The other half I want to try and pawn them off to another couple."

"You would miss them too much" Addilyn shook her head at him as she continued to play with the sweater he was wearing.

Shay looked over at the other couple who was on the couch. Melanie had begun teaching Emmet how to punch since she said he was doing it wrong. He really would miss them if he was being serious about trying to hand them off to other people.

He looked back down at Addilyn, "Unfortunatly" Shay said as he twisted some of her hair around his finger.

"So, we're stuck with them because of you" Addilyn kissed his nose before leaving to go get the other couple off of the couch so they could eat breakfast.

Shay smiled as he watched the other three all converse in the living room area. Although the sight was happy he had a feeling of nervousness consuming him. Today would be the day he asked Addilyn if she wanted to have custody over Roselyn. He had heard from Melanie that she would want that but that didn't help him. Shay was still worried that she would say no to him.

"Shay, come on!" Addilyn called out to him from the kitchen where she was with the other two and Roselyn.

Shay put the smile back on his face and walked into the kitchen immediately met with happiness and love from all of his friends.


Melanie, Clara, Sawyer, and Addilyn were all sitting in the married couples room getting ready for the party that Clara and Sawyer offered to host again. Melanie was currently brushing her life long friend's hair trying to calm her nerves down.

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