Chapter 19

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Addilyn and Shay sat at the table in the restaurant watching the tv with similar expressions of shock. Before either of them could say something to the other, both got a call at the same time.

"Melanie?" Shay asked as he looked at her across the table.

Addilyn nodded briefly, glancing at the commercial on the tv screen, "Emmet?" she asked him, having her question answered with a head nod.

The both of them sighed and walked in opposite directions to answer their phone call.

"Ads?" Melanie whimpered when she heard her friend answer the phone call, "I couldn't say no, not with everyone there watching me. He broadcasted it Addilyn! I had no choice but to say yes. If I didn't both him and my dad would be furious"

Addilyn frowned as she leaned against the bathroom wall. She knew how bad Melanie's father's rage could get. Even with her being an adult now Victor could still be able to hurt her if he tried. And James would be a bystander and encourage it.

"I know Melly, I know" She whispered into her phone, she could hear her friend try to catch her breath on the other end, "Shay and I saw the proposal at the restaurant, they were playing the news."

"Figures" Melanie muttered bitterly. She hated that the proposal was so public. She knew it was a trap of some sorts but she didn't know how to prove it. Melanie was just glad that Addilyn understood where she was coming from.

"Is there going to be a party of some sorts tonight?" Addilyn asked her subtly implying that if there was she was going to be there without meaning to.

Melanie sighed, "Yeah, apparently this has been a plan for a while because there is an engagement party tonight, I think my dad said seven or something when I was walking away to call you," She found it odd that the party was already so prepared for that night when her own mother looked shocked at the news. Melanie paused for a moment noticing Addilyn's tone when she asked the question, "Addilyn Abbott, you are not flying to New York"

"Damn," Addilyn cursed, "How did you know?"

"Because I know you" Melanie replied without having to think about it, "You are to do no such thing, you stay in North Carolina with Shay and enjoy your time alone together after everything that happened between you two."

"Melanie I don't give a shit about some guy right now!" Addilyn raised her voice causing her friend to go silent, "You are my best friend and I am not missing your engagement party! I know that this definitely isn't what you want which is why I am going to be by your side the entire night. You will always be more important to me than any guy or girl. You're my sister and I'm not letting you go through this alone."

"Addilyn..." Melanie started to say despite not knowing to with the flood of emotions she was feeling.

"No, no Addilyn's" She mocked her friend's slow tone, "My mind has been made up, I'll see you tonight!" with that she hung up her phone so that Melanie couldn't say anything else.

Addilyn checked the time on her phone. It was currently only 3:00 so she had some time but not a lot of time.

"So buddy, have any advice for me?" Emmet snapped into his phone once Shay responded, "Because I have no idea what to do when the person you like gets engaged right in front of your face!"

Shay rolled his eyes at his friend but knew all of his annoyance was coming from how upset he was over what he had just witnessed, "I don't have any advice" Shay told him with a small frown, "I wish I knew what to say to make it all seem clearer for you but I don't and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that happened today, I know it wasn't the best day of your life."

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