Chapter 17

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Normally on your birthday you would be out celebrating with friends, and a few months ago that's what Emmet expected for his twenty-fifth. But that's not what he was doing.

Instead he was packed into the back of a New York cab seated next to the woman he loved and hated, who also doubled as his celebrity crush. He couldn't say that he minded considering she was pressed up against his side due to the amount of bags they had.

"You packed like a rich brat." were Melanie's exact words as she helped him get all of his bags into the car.

He had held back the comeback he had prepared not wanting to get stuck in a car with her when she was angry at him. Emmet had taken to staring out of the window at the passing city with a small smile on his face. The last time he had been to New York was when he was sixteen. Never in a million years did he actually imagine coming back to the city for racing.

"We're here" Melanie spoke, interrupting his daydreams.

Emmet turned to look out of the window at the large estate. His jaw dropped a little at the size of it. Melanie laughed softly before stepping out of the car.

Despite the Thorsons having to move away from their New York home, they still kept the large house for when they had to travel to the city.

"Welcome to your celebrity crushes childhood home" She grinned as she grabbed her own bags walking up to the door of the house.

Emmet laughed sarcastically as he followed behind her up the pathway. He almost couldn't believe how intimidating the house was. In fact it didn't feel like a home at all. It just felt like a place of power and business. The interior and exterior of it was cold and haunting. Emmet wondered how Melanie and her sister could stand living in the house.

"Melanie?" A cheery voice called from down the hall near the dining room.

Melanie paused in the doorway, her eyes wide, "Sawyer?!" she called excitedly as an older brunette woman walked into the front entrance.

"Melanie!" The voice repeated with a large smile as she rushed up to her, engulfing her into one of her legendary hugs.

When she pulled away Emmet was able to actually view her appearance. Sawyer was taller than Melanie by a long shot, she stood at around 5'7 while Melanie was only 5'3. She had short wavy brunette hair that reached just above her shoulders. Her hair was littered with blonde streaks throughout it all. Her brown eyes looked like a baby deers and gave her an innocent look.

Sawyer then noticed the man next to the woman she had just hugged, "Hi, I'm Sawyer Thorson, Melanie's sister-in-law!" she smiled at the man holding her hand out.

"Emmet Jones" He smiled at her and shook her hand.

"Melanie's should-be-boyfriend!" A hoarse voice called from the loft above the front entrance, "Hi kid!"

Melanie's face immediately turned a bright red at Clara's statement. She glared up at her sister and gave her the middle finger, "Is James here?"

Clara shook her head as she rested her arms on the railing of the loft, "No, Tweety Bird left an hour ago to go get ready for the dinner."

"She's been calling him names for the past three days" Sawyer explained with an apologetic look, "Tweety Bird is actually the nicest thing she called him"

Emmet noticed the similarities between Melanie and Clara with their unique name calling when they didn't like someone.

"What time does that start again?" Melanie was annoyed with her sister already. She still hasn't gotten past what she had said about Emmet and him being her boyfriend.

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