Chapter 21

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The rest of the night was spent at the racing location which was filled with drunk and hormonal couples and people craving a one night stand. Typically Melanie would be included in the group but seeing as she was engaged she sat on a bench next to Shay and Addilyn.

    "You could always run over the ring," Addilyn told her friend as they tried to come up with a solution for the engagement.

    Melanie shook her head, "No, it could ruin the tires"

    "Tires can be replaced" Shay spoke up looking over at her, "Or are you just looking for reasons to stay engaged to him?"

    Melanie twisted the ring as she averted eye contact with both of them. She honestly didn't know what she wanted at the moment. There was the issue with Emmet and the issue of James knowing she cheated. If she chose to break it off with him he could go to multiple news stations and ruin her career if he really wanted to.

    "Melanie?" Addilyn sat up a little as she studied her friend's expression.

    "If I'm being honest I don't know what I want, okay? I appreciate the efforts and you guys have made your opinions on James very known but what if he can-" Melanie got cut off by Addilyn's harsh tone.

    "If you say that he can change I'm going to scream" She said, "I've said the same thing multiple times before and I ended up getting kidnapped."

    "And I was stuck in an abusive relationship for way too long due to saying those words. Life isn't a romance book I hope you know that" Shay added in his two cents on her issue.

    Melanie bit her lip gently realizing the two next to her had multiple points. James did have the ability to change. He changed over the course of their entire relationship from bad to worse. But at the same time she didn't want to run the risk of losing everything she worked for taken away by him and her dad.

    "But if you want to marry him we can't stop you" Addilyn continued softly, "It's your choice"

    "Can't I have Shay walk down the aisle for me?" Melanie tried joking as she looked at the man seated next to her.

    Shay shook his head, "Absolutely not." He told her, "In all seriousness Addilyn is right, we can't stop you from doing anything but we can give our opinions on him. And those opinions are that we hate him."

    "Who do we hate?" Emmet asked as he walked back over to them after a long conversation with Mariel.

    "James" Addilyn responded as she looked up at him with a grin.

    Emmet nodded a little as he sat down next to Melanie. He noticed that she was refusing to look at him and only look at the ring that was on her finger.

    "I'm going to marry him!" Melanie blurted out glancing at Addilyn, "Still up for being my maid of honor?"

She had forgotten all of her worries about the marriage and all the doubts she was having the moment Emmet sat down next to her. Him being near brought back their conversation that they had about marriage in her family. If her mom could do it then so could she. Melanie knew she would be set for life with the company and that's all she wanted even if it meant she had to be in a loveless marriage. This way Emmet wouldn't have to keep guessing or hoping that they would be able to become a couple.

"Oh" Addilyn blinked as she looked over at Melanie in shock, "Of course, always."

"Great, super cool, I need a drink" Melanie said breathlessly as she got up from the bench walking away to find Mariel.

"Um" Addilyn swallowed, trying to figure out what to say, "That marriage won't last?"

Emmet looked over at her, an eyebrow raised, "It might, both are cold hearted people who just want power. Match made in hell"

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