Chapter 22

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It had been two months since the events of New York and the weather had changed from the fall November weather to the cold winter weather that the month of January brought.

Addilyn and Shay were still tiptoeing around the strong hidden feelings that they felt back in November. The feeling was growing stronger by the minutes and they were both feeling the anxiety around keeping the feelings a secret. But soon they both knew that they would be admitted soon.

As for the other two they were still trying to make the other as annoyed as possible to try and lose feelings. Melanie was still engaged to James but unknown to him she was talking with Clara and Sawyer about trying to call it off. He had kicked Addilyn out of their house back in December and was trying to have her cut all contact off with her and the other men. Emmet had won more races as time went on and as much as he didn't want to admit it to Melanie, he did owe some of it to her.

"You still can't possibly be mad at me" James groaned as he followed behind Melanie down to the garages with all the cars.

"Oh I can!" Melanie glared at the man next to her, "You're an asshole!"

James shook his head at her, "It was just a painting Melanie don't be a child!"

Melanie stopped walking and folded her arms annoyed, "Addilyn painted that for the two of us and you painted over it without asking me! The paintings were important to me James, you can't make decisions like that without me."

"Alright fine, just relax, we can have someone else paint another mural" James kissed her forehead before walking past her to his car.

"What a dick" Melanie muttered as she watched him walk away.

"What did he do this time?" Emmet asked as he stepped up next to her, an eyebrow raised.

Melanie glanced over at him and shook her head, "None of your business now go get ready to race."

Emmet sighed softly, "I know we haven't exactly been on best terms lately but I'm still your friend, don't shut me out"

"It's still none of your business but thank you" Melanie smiled a little as she turned to walk away from him.

"You're welcome" Emmet called after her with a small grin.

Even though all was well Shay had one issue of his own but he had yet to tell anyone about it. The letter he received threw him for a loop and he was still struggling with how to tell Addilyn about it or what to do.

Shay sighed as he folded up the letter, shoving it underneath a book on his desk. He turned back to the sleeping blonde next to him. He didn't like keeping the secret from her but at the same time there was no easy way to explain the letter he got. It wasn't the most perfect scenario in the world.

Shay kissed her cheek gently before laying back down in his bed trying not to focus on the problem that he was currently hiding underneath a book.

Although the blonde didn't appear to be awake she heard the rustle of the paper and the large weight that was placed on top. The kiss he gave her felt hesitant and it brought a sickening feeling to her.

She hated how it felt inside. Addilyn didn't want him to feel like he wasn't able to trust her with his thoughts and feelings. Of course she did understand, it was difficult to trust after such an abusive relationship. But she hoped that one day he would be able to come to her about it.

Shay didn't sleep that well after the re-read of the letter. So he was up fairly early, what shocked him was the other man sitting in the kitchen at 6 a.m.

"Good morning sunshine" Emmet smiled at the man from where he sat at the kitchen table clutching a Red Bull.

Shay raised an eyebrow at him, "How many of those did you have already"

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