Chapter 18

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The following morning Addilyn woke up in an unfamiliar room, but that wasn't what made her shoot up out of bed. What did make her jump was the fact that she wasn't alone and that she was wearing nothing but a large shirt.

"Ow" A voice mumbled from beside her.

Addilyn gasped loudly and looked down at the body next to her. She then realized how hard she was gripping onto Shay's arm.

"Sorry!" She instantly apologized, retracting her hand. She laid back against the pillows trying hard not to focus on the fact that the man was shirtless.

Addilyn knew that her face was a bright red as all of the thoughts from last night came rushing through her head. She slowly looked back down examining the man's perfectly sculpted physique.

Shay looked up at her and met her gaze with a small smile. He could still hear her loud moans and gasps in his ear from the night before. They were as amazing to hear just as her laugh was.

"Hi" Addilyn whispered as she made eye contact with him.

Shay sat up a little to be closer to her, "Hi"

"Um, in case last night wasn't obvious enough, I really like you. Like a lot" She said, playing with the edge of her shirt.

This wasn't exactly the way she had planned on telling him but now seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. It was the day after they let their bodies do the talking and now she wanted to actually say the words herself.

Shay grabbed her hand holding it in his own, "I like you a lot too" He said with a gentle laugh.

"Yay" Addilyn laughed as she closed the small distance between them pressing a kiss to his lips.

Shay smiled as he pulled away from her, "So, would this be a good time to ask you out on a proper date or should I wait until you have actual clothes on"

Addilyn paused for a moment, "It depends"

"On what?" Shay asked, an eyebrow raised.

"On if I can get out of bed and walk" Addilyn explained, twisting some of her hair around her finger.

"Oh" Was all Shay could say as he realized what she was saying.

The last time that Addilyn had had sex was over a year ago and even then she barely got to experience pleasure of her own. But being with him was drastically different. She finally understood what all of her sappy romance novels was talking about when you have the best sex of your life. And to make it even better she got to experience it with one of her best friends, even though the aftermath made her a little sore.

"Well, would you want to go on a date with me today?" He asked, breaking through her thoughts of romance novels.

Addilyn smiled as she turned to fully look at him, "I would love too" she felt his hand rest on her waist pulling her close to him with ease.

After another passionate round of sex and an entire morning of just sitting out by the beach, Addilyn found herself in the shower trying to calm herself down before the date. Sure she was excited but at the same time she was terrified that it would end badly despite everything that had just happened. He was the person that she had been pining over for so long and now that she actually had the opportunity to date him she was worried that she would mess it up.

Just as she stepped out of the shower her phone rang loudly. She smiled as she saw the caller id and immediately picked up.

But before she could get a word in, Melanie's frantic voice cut her off, "Addi I messed up. I messed up big time, like think of Ross and Rachel and them being on a break and that whole ordeal except I wasn't on a break with James!"

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