Chapter 24

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"I forgot to ask you this earlier but where's Roselyn now?" Melanie asked, looking over at the other man on the couch.

It was now close to midnight and Melanie and Shay were still sitting awake. They were first talking about work but then Melanie changed the conversation drastically.

"She's currently with Jenna's parents" Shay answered, "At first I wondered why they weren't going to be in custody of her but then I remembers that the Malec's never wanted to have kids"

"They were jerks" Melanie nodded as she remembered what it was like meeting Ryder and Jenna's parents, "So, how exactly is this custody battle happening. If you know that is."

"I actually reached out to the judge that was put on our case, it took a while to find him but I did it. He said since neither of us have met and taken care of Roselyn, he is allowing us to take care of her for a month and have home evaluations to see who is best suited to take care of her. Ryder will get her first, two days from now to be exact, and I will get to take care of her next. But I obviously have nothing prepared so I have to make a list and go out and buy the stuff I need"

Melanie could sense the stress that was coming up when he started to list off everything that he needed to prepare, "I can help you shop. I know a thing or two about that" She laughed lightly trying to cheer him up.

Shay gave her a brief smile as he thought of another thing he needed to do, "Do you know a thing or two about lawyers?"

"I don't, but Rose does." Melanie answered, "Her parents got divorced when she was young and her dad won sole custody over her so you could talk to him about his lawyer."

Shay nodded as he made a mental note to call Rose as soon as he could, "Do you think I could use Ryder's history against him?"

"I don't see why not," Melanie shook her head a little, "And if you're worried about Addilyn which I know you are, just talk to her."

"How did you know that's what I'm thinking about?" Shay asked, an eyebrow raised a hint of a smile on his lips.

She winked at him with a smile of her own, "Because I know you Shay, you are always worried and thinking about her."

Shay rolled his eyes at what she said before hearing her talk again, making him roll his eyes once more.

"I think it's very cute" Melanie teased with a laugh before dodging the pillow that was sent at her head, "It is! It's sweet, you love her don't you?"

Although she was teasing she had a feeling what she was saying had truth to it. Her assumption was confirmed when he nodded a little.

"I do," Shay responded with a full smile, "I love her."

Melanie's jaw dropped when she heard him admit to her teasing. She felt a large smile creep onto her face. She was ecstatic to hear that he loved her best friend. Melanie had watched Addilyn get destroyed by her past two loves and the fact that she found someone who treated her like she was the center of their world made her feel happier than ever. Addilyn deserved someone like Shay and Melanie hoped that what was going on wouldn't drive them apart, but bring them together.

"What, no sarcastic comment or joke?" Shay quirked an eyebrow at the smiling woman.

Melanie shook her head quickly, "Nope! I'm just happy! You two deserve all of the happiness there is. You guys went through so much shit and are still going through a lot of shit but at least you two have each other and that's all that matters"

Shay smiled at Melanies words. Even though she could be rude and callous she had her moments of pure kindness. While Shay took in Melanies shockingly nice words, she answered a phone call from Emmet.

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