Ch. Forty Four 👑

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Jin knew there was gonna be a lot of guards. But still he can't help to feel shocked at the amount of protection Felix has. They are obviously more trained than the rebels when it comes to fighting.

Still, what shocks him the most is how can they take Felix's side? Yes, he's their superior but they are common people. They know Felix is destroying the place they love. But carrying a sword and some money on their pockets was enough to forget where they come from.

Namjoon notices Jin standing there outside the kitchen and his heart stops. He runs towards his side surprising him and himself with his actions.

- What are you doing out here?! Go back in there, lock the door, I'll go there once-

- What?! No, I wanna see this!

- Chef, please look around you! There's too many rebels, they could hurt you!

- Wait...rebels?... they're not the enemy, Namjoon!

While a confused Namjoon and a frustrated Jin argue, a loud voice takes over the place.

- GUARDS! The true leader of them is right behind you!

Felix makes sure to sound as serious as possible. Taehyung panics


Did he know that was true? Probably not. But having an excuse to get rid of him is always welcomed. And maybe this way Taehyung will understand what happens when they go against him. The guards believe him and those who don't now will when they get paid. Jimin can only count with Jungkook now, who else will stand up for him?

- That dumb little idiot - Namjoon mumbles - this will cost him his life

- Oh my god Namjoon, hear yourself! They're gonna hurt Jimin!

- For taking the rebels's side!

Fine. If Namjoon won't listen to simple logic, then Jin will hit him where it hurts the most

- Is that what you're gonna tell Tae tomorrow? When he's crying over a dead friend?

Namjoon's brain stops completely. Taehyung. He turns around and sees his little brother desperate trying to go help Jimin. Only being stopped by Felix and another guard. His eyes filled with tears. He remembers what happened last time he talked to him

While you're at it why don't you put Jimin's life on the line?!

He promised Tae he would help him. And he has to do it without hurting the ones he loves.

- Ugh, fuck. I'll go help him - he takes his sword - but you go back to the kitchen!

Leaving Jin behind he can finally whisper to himself...

- I don't wanna lose the ones I love either

Jin rolls his eyes seeing him run away from him. And yes, he goes back to the kitchen. Not because he's scared or in danger but because he needs to give an order.

- Minhyuk! It's time. Seungmin is already upstairs, some rebels should be waiting for you as well, you'll be okay I promise

Without a second to lose, the other Chef leaves. And trying his best to stay at least a little hidden, he observes it all..

Jimin can hardly defend himself. Yes, he knows how to fight but it's not something he practiced much. He's not used to this things. By his side, Jungkook does his best to help him but there's too many people attacking them at once. Being the last person they expect, Namjoon finally stands with them

- Need some help?

- From you? - He asks getting to Namjoon's nerves- ...Yeah, sure

Namjoon rolls his eyes but can't help a smile. Jimin is still that young kid that used to annoy him with his little brother. Did he really think he could leave him aside? A part of him feels guilty but now... he's finally doing the right thing.

The guards keep coming and one of them is very close to hurting Jimin. But before Namjoon can defend him someone else does. A rebel with a hat that covers his face. For a moment he thinks he's in bigger danger than before. A rebel? He'll hurt them! But...

- I'm sorry for the delay, My Prince

- It's okay, my love~

Yoongi is still not used to that nickname even if he knows it's just a joke. And Namjoon? Let's say confusion is now a daily thing for him

- A rebel, Jimin? You have a weird taste!

- Why do you all keep saying that?

Despite being in a constant fight they have a smile on their face including Yoongi who's hiding his face from Namjoon

- You fight well, Rebel. You could join my guard back in Daegu


The other three laugh and Yoongi hopes he can't recognize his voice

- I would actually love to protect Daegu!

Namjoon now realizes what he's doing. Asking that to this person? Wait...he's on their side! If Jin could hear his thought process he would face palm. A sword is close to his face but Yoongi makes sure to defend him

- Thanks

- Wow, the Kim Namjoon just thanked someone?! I kind of like you again Joonie!

Namjoon almost laughs hearing that nickname again from Jimin. He has to avoid the look his father is giving him on the other side of the room so this warm feeling of having friends again doesn't wash out. Hell, it feels even better when he sees Taehyung stare back at him with a soft smile.

As time goes by the rebels can take a little more control. Of course, Felix is still surrounded but it's finally time for them to make a demand. Changkyun being the first one to talk

- Lee Felix! You destroyed our kingdom!

- Yes! - Hoseok loves getting in the middle of this - You should pay for it!

Namjoon surprisingly agrees with them.

- It's over, Felix

His father wants to stop Namjoon from saying something stupid but he doesn't care

- That throne is not yours!

And so Namjoon's ready to complete his part. Without even realizing what that will cause in Felix. And in the poor defenseless Prince that stands by his side in a white suit

Next chapter

You tried to kill him didn't you?

But Kim...I'll take something from you first

Day threeee of the marathon! I like this chapter, not gonna lie. But next one...well you'll see tomorrow!

Also, just realized that technically the marathon will have 8 days. Because it ends on Friday but I post on Saturdays win (?

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now