Ch. Sixty 👑

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A few months ago when Jimin and Jungkook were going to Daegu, there was not a minute of silence. Both Jungkook and Jimin kept talking and laughing all the way there. Or at least until they got robbed.

But now? On the way back to Busan? There is no word being said. Still, there's no silence. Anyone that gets near their carriage can hear both boys cry. Jimin louder than his guard but equally hurt.

The whole way home the stay hugged. Holding each other in their arms like trying not to fall apart. Following Taehyung's orders, they left as soon as possible which means they have to go home during the night. But they'll be safe because the only ones that could robb them are now far from there

In Busan, Jimin's older brother and current King of Busan is drinking a coffee when they give him the news. His brother is back. Chanyeol gets confused hearing it. He wasn't waiting for him yet. He was supposed to be back much later and being here now meant they left really early. Curious, he comes out he castle ready to welcome him back.

He calmly walks up to the town's entrance. People around him wave at him and bow kindly. More than one gets close to talk to him and they all get excited to know Jimin is finally back. After all, both brothers are loved by everyone. Hell, even Jungkook is known and loved by them.

The Park family made sure to have a fair and peaceful kingdom. They make sure to protect nature, to put their people first, to have a stable economy. Busan is the paradise anyone would love to live in. But right now, the boy that was born and raised happily there would give anything to go back to Daegu.

- Jimin! Little brother you look... terrible. Are you okay?

Jimin runs to his arms with tears still running down his cheeks and hugs him. People around them worry and help them go back to the castle. There, Chanyeol waits outside his little brother's room. While Jimin takes a bath trying to stay calm, Jungkook walks up to the King.

- Kookie, what the hell happened to him?...And by God, what happened to you?! You look like you didn't sleep at all in the last day!

Jungkook's story makes Chanyeol understand everything. The little Jimin, who he swore to protect is now broken hearted. Not only because of the boy he loves but for his beloved Taehyung.

- I see...And I imagine the Young and adorable Prince sent you to hell as well

- Kind of... it's better like this. It wasn't gonna work anyway...

The King realizes Jungkook doesn't even believe his own words. He can see the guilt in his eyes for hiding that from Tae. The guard has always been so obvious about his feelings. Always running to read the letters Jimin received.

- You know...Tae was always a mystery to me. Just like his brother. They have a weird way of processing what happens to them. But, I think...even being the way he is...he won't give up on you so easily

- Well, he kicked us out of his castle at two in the morning. I would say there's not much to be done right now.

- Fair. But he is the same kid that wrote to both of you every week for years. I mean, I don't know if just because of this-

- Don't say it, Chanie

The King stays quiet. Jungkook is like another little brother for him and wouldn't want to make him feel even worst. On the other hand, the guard doesn't want to hear it. He doesn't want anyone to give him hope. Nothing can be fixed so what's the point? If he goes back to Daegu he'll find nothing but rejection from the Prince he hurt.

Chanyeol gives him one final pat in the back and asks him to rest. It was a long trip and he should try to sleep at least for a few hours. As Jungkook walks away, he enters Jimin's room. He's sure everything will be better soon. Even if the guard doesn't find a way out, he knows who will. His little Jiminie never gives up, he must be thinking a way to fix it all right now.

Inside the room, the lights are off. And the Prince is on the bed. Well... he's actually wrapped around blankets like hiding from the world, but on the bed. That's new. He never saw him like this. The King slowly walks up to him and sits by his side. He would pet his hair but honestly, with that amount of blankets he's not sure where his brother's head is

- So...Minnie, what's the plan?

- What d-do you m-mean?

His voice sounds broken. He is broken.

- Well, the Jimin I know can't have a problem for more than two days before looking for a way to fix it!

There's a long silence. For a moment he thinks he fell asleep. Or that he died since he's not sure how he can breathe under all of that.

- I'll write to TaeTae tomorrow. I'll write him everyday of my life until the day I die, apologizing and asking him to forgive me. I'll say sorry in every language and in every possible way. I'll send him so many letters, Busan will become the main producer of envelopes in the world

- Hahaha I knew you would say something like that! - he smiles - And about the other boy? What will you do? How was he called? Sugar?

Silence. Chanyeol thinks he must be thinking what to do so he gives him some time. But after a minute all he hears is his brother cry again. Coming out of under those blankets, Jimin hugs him tight and wets his chest with tears.

He's never seen Jimin like this. Yes, he's a sensitive boy. He cries over lots of stuff but it never lasts longer than an hour. And from what he saw, he's been crying like this since the night before.

- M-Minnie...

- I g-give up, Chanie. I'm tired. I don't w-wanna chase anyone if they d-don't really want me there

This is the first time those words come out of his little brother. And of course, he stays by his side for the rest of the day. But surprisingly, by the end of it he keeps his decision. Park Jimin, has given up.

Next Chapter

You have a huge ego, don't you?

It's impossible, he can't be here


We had like a million sad chapters in a row sorry hahaha next one is a little more chill!

We'll see where Jin is. And someone has to replace him in the kitchen back in Daegu...

See you on Thursday! Have a nice day!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora