Ch. Forty Five 👑

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Finally after all this time being hopeless, Taehyung feels things might go his way. The rebels don't give up and his brother is with them.

- It's over, Felix! The throne is not yours

- Says who?! You? This is my kingdom, you have no word here! Or you mean these idiots?! My guards will take care of them! Just wait!

- I don't say it for them, Felix

Tae is now confused. It's not for the rebels? They are the only ones that reacted to what Felix did! They can lead the kingdom better than Felix! Without even realizing, his thoughts sound like Jin's.


- Your nobles! - He says confusing him - They know it all, Felix! Maybe they don't know about how you almost kill me last week - Tae can't believe what he's hearing- but they know about Taemin...

- Shut up.

- You tried to kill him, didn't you?

- Shut. Up.

- Your own brother!

- SHUT UP! You know nothing!

He can't hear that. That's not true. He kept him alive for all these years.

- All I know is maybe you paid all of them to stay quiet and play along. But they know you're done and Daegu will protect them in exchange for their honesty

- T-They won't do that

- Well, according to the answers they gave to my letters these last few days...Yes, they will

As Felix tries his best to understand how is this even possible, Taehyung wants to cry. His brother is helping him just like he promised and he's not doing it by killing anyone. In fact he did it all behind their father's back and without a sword. Kim Namjoon was gonna get him out of this...

Felix understands. Seungmin probably betrayed him. That's why Namjoon is alive. Taehyung probably did things behind his back as well. All of them. The princes, the rebels, the nobles, Jimin... they're all against him. But this is enough. He's sick of it. This is what they want? Fine. They'll get it then. He takes Taehyung by the arm and pushes him down.

- I'm so tired of all of you. I was kind enough to stop a war for you- He stares at Namjoon - I was kind to every noble here just so they can now take me down for something as stupid as protection. I mean, really?! Protection?! I could put my entire guard at their feet! Hahahaha - he already lost it, and Taehyung swallows hard - If you wanna take everything from me, then do it. But Kim...I'll take something from you first

Namjoon sees his intentions immediately. But panic doesn't let him move. On the other side, Tae can see on Felix's angry expression that he won't be able to live much longer. Who would've said he was gonna die on his wedding day?

- You think I hate my brother, Namjoon? Let's see how you feel when you lose yours

Felix gets a sword from one of the guards and Taehyung sees it rise above his head. This is it. He closes his eyes and waits for the end.

Around them, the rebels try to get to him. They try to help. But it's not an easy path. Jungkook leaves Jimin's side. He runs towards him ignoring everything around him. He gets a few scars since he doesn't even try defending himself, but he ignores them.

His heart feels like it's coming out his chest. Despair taking over him. Maybe if he can get there faster, the blade will kill him but not Tae. He just needs an extra second. Just one. He doesn't mind dying if it's for him, but he won't make it in time. Tears roll down his face seeing the sword get closer to the love of his life. And then...


The Prince stops. The extra second Jungkook needed gets to him and he can stand between the two grooms. He holds Taehyung tight against him and waits for his death to come. But it doesn't. Behind the couple Felix stands completely still. If it wasn't for his teary eyes, you would think he just turned into stone.

Taehyung is the first one to react. He takes Jungkook's hand and tries to get away from there with him. It would be hard to know by now which of them is protecting the other. It seems obvious none of the two wants to live without his other half.

While Taehyung is confused as to what's going on, Jungkook simply stares at him.

- You're okay...- he can hardly talk - Tae baby, you're okay, right? Are you hurt?

- N-No Kookie, I'm okay... I'll always be okay with you by my side

Jungkook wants to punch him for saying something so sweet in this situation. But the same voice as before interrupts their talk. And now they understand why Felix is the way it is. Why he stands not moving at all, still holding the sword like he was doing a few seconds earlier

- Felix please, put that

Next chapter

He should pay for what he did!

I want my share of fame as well, you know?

This wedding is taking forever hahahaha This chapter is a little shorter but hey, at least Tae is alive!

I'll see you tomorrow for another part! Have a nice Tuesday!

- Baby Y


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