Ch. Sixty Three 👑

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Yoongi looks out the window. The view is beautiful and the moon is shining bright. His room is bigger than what he expected. And of course, half the things in there look like they're made of gold. He's not used to having so much space for himself. He's not even used to sleeping on such a big bed.

A knock on the door makes him turn around. He doesn't need to open to know who it is. There's only one person in this castle that will talk to him this late. The same one that let him in.

- Come in!

King Taemin enters with a wide smile. He's clearly much healthier than last time he saw him. He can walk by himself even though his movements are a bit slow. As he gets closer, Yoongi notices the bottle of wine under his arm and the two glasses on his other hand.

- Hey there! I got you a little something to share! This will help you sleep, believe me

- Uuh I don't think I should

- God, at least pretend you're not scared hahaha. I won't poison you! I'm not my brother! Besides we're both having some

Yoongi doubts for another second. Despite looking so friendly, Taemin did try to hurt Jimin's older brother. And since he came here a few days ago he saw him enter the prison every night to have dinner with Felix. But as soon as Taemin drinks the first glass, Yoongi relaxes and joins him.

For a few minutes there's only silence and they just drink looking at the landscape. The two boys who were once loved by Park Jimin now share some time together. Both of them with their hearts broken. Both of them filled with guilt.

- You know, I said you were welcome here and I don't take it back but...I would like some context.

Yoongi knows he can't tell him everything. He promised Taemin he would take care of Jimin. Not that he would threaten him with a knife. If he was that honest he would probably end up in jail next to Felix.

- I... rejected Jimin

- Jiminie? My Jiminie?

- My Prince. Yes, him.

- Damn, I never thought you could be so dumb! And may I know what took you to reject my cute little angel?

- Stop flattering him! He wouldn't like you to...- Taemin loses his smile -...Sorry

- No, you're right. He wouldn't like that from me...So tell me, what happened?

- I just...I think we live in very different realities. He's a kind Prince who lives in a Kingdom described as magical. And I'm a thief from Daegu...I can't drag him to my life. And I can't leave my people behind and pretend nothing is wrong. Not when I know no one else is helping them.

- I see...You know, I would love to tell you you're right. But honestly I would only say it so I have less competition when it comes to him. I mean, Suga...are you an idiot?

- Ugh, I can't believe I came all the way to Seoul to be insulted

- And you deserve it. Jimin won't give a shit about how you live. He wouldn't mind being with you in Daegu. He's too positive! That's why I fell for him. Even if you live inside a box and eat grass for lunch he would say that's a warm home and that the grass has protein.

- Hahaha that's true though! He'd never judge me or anything but...But it's not what I want for him. I don't want to give him that kind of life

- And what life do you wanna give you, Suga? - He catches him off guard - I've seen you fight for Taehyung, for Jimin, even for Namjoon. But what do you want?

- Me?... Nothing that's possible

- I see. You're very good with the sword but I think it's not you who will fix Daegu. You can help and support your people but you don't have to sacrifice a happy life for them. There's always a third option, you know?

He sounds like Jin. But Jin was who planned this. If he can't see a third option to help the Kingdom no one will. Though honestly, maybe Jin didn't see another answer because his eyes were filled with tears. Thanks to Namjoon of course.

Yoongi lets out a deep breath and takes another glass of wine. There's no point on keep thinking about what could have been. The harm is done.

- It doesn't matter anyway. I won't see him again

- That's why you came here. You came to the only place where he wouldn't follow you.

- Exactly. He can go on with his life and-

- You're trying for him not to follow you...but you want him to, don't you? There's a part of you that's waiting for him to walk in through that door

- What makes you think that?

- I admitted I almost killed his brother. I didn't hide it. And I knew he was gonna leave. I didn't follow him. I stayed here. Knowing the chances of him coming back are almost none. And yet...aren't we both waiting to be wrong?

Yoongi swallows hard. He knows exactly what he's feeling. It's best if Jimin doesn't come. It probably won't happen. Even if he is a very stubborn Prince. But...

- So what do we do now, Taemin?

- Now? We wait...and we hope.

Kingdoms apart from them, Jimin holds his pillow tight trying to sleep. His head hurts after crying so much and for so long. There's still some tears in his eyes. His older brother stays by his side, even if he doesn't know what else to say.

Chanyeol can hardly stay awake right now. These last few days he's been spending all his free time supporting both Jimin and Jungkook. And at least the guard tried to go out to distract himself. His little brother on the opposite, only moved from the bed to write more letters to Taehyung.

Both boys look completely defeated. They must be really tired of everything. They're both broken hearted. They wait nothing from no one anymore. Because they have no hopes at all.

Next Chapter

For you they're thieves, for us they're our only hope

Park fell in loved with one of them?!

Seven chapters left! These two keep crying away from each other :c

But we'll see a little more of the Kim brothers on the next one! They need to clear up some things...

I'm already preparing the fanfic that comes after this one! Yes. That's how close we are to the ending. See you on Thursday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now