Ch. Sixty Seven 👑

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Jungkook always loved walking around the streets of Busan. Usually it helped him think. But right now, he's there for the exact opposite. To stop thinking. To stop crying. A part of him wants to just run back to Daegu and say sorry to Tae for hiding things from him. But another part knows how pointless that would be.

Not only the Prince won't listen to him, but even if he does...what would change? Even if he's sorry, Tae won't forgive him, and Hope will die no matter what he says. The thought of it makes him shiver. To know that someone he talked to is close to death because of the love of his life is too much for him to handle.

He keeps walking while the people around him see him with worried eyes. He was always talking to everyone but lately there was nothing but silence from his side. A soft nod of the head and not much more is what they could get.

Eventually, he reaches his destination. A quiet place near the trees where the view is beautiful. He sits there, waiting for the sunset so he can see the sky turn all kinds of colors. And it's then, when he hears someone behind him.

He sighs, thinking it must be someone from town who came to talk to him. But his eyes go wide when he hears him talk.

- We always end up looking at a landscape

That voice. He turns around and sees him. The Prince he's been thinking about for the last days. He walks up to Jungkook and sits next to him on the grass, looking completely calm. Jungkook is sure this must be his eyes playing tricks on him. He shakes his head but when he look again, he's still there. With a slow movement his hand goes towards Taehyung's cheek and

- Ouch! Do it softer! That's my face you're touching!

- You're real... you're here

Tae smiles softly and holds in a laugh. Once more he looks at the sunset ignoring the guard's eyes. Jungkook takes a minute to realize what's happening. He even pinches his arm thinking this is a dream and he'll wake up. But that's not what happens at all.

- Okay, so...Do you wanna start, Kookie? Or should I go first?

Tae pretends perfectly to be composed even though he's nervous as hell on the inside.

- Uuuh...I-I don't...I don't know what to say

- You can start with "Hi Tae! Sorry about not telling you I like hanging out with your Kingdom's most dangerous thieves!"

- Oh, that... Honestly, I am really sorry. I don't like hiding things from you really. I...I really do apologize for it...

Jungkook knows that won't fix anything. Apologizing doesn't mean he'll forgive him. And even if he does, things won't go back to how they used to be. Not when he knows what he'll do about the boys that stole from him to feed the people.

- Good. I was waiting for that. I guess it's my turn now. Jungkook... you're a fucking idiot! I hate being lied to and I hate secrets! Namjoon used to hide things from me when it comes to our Kingdom! Just like my father!

- I-I know

- And Jimin! He never did something like this before! He'll have to pay for the food of every single ball I make from now on just to apologize!

Despite the complaining tone his smile never disappears. Like if he forgave them already before the conversation even started. Jungkook feels confused but keeps listening to him anyways.

- Now, I will say - Tae continues - I am sorry for taking so long in understanding what was going on. Though in my defense, it wasn't easy with you keeping your mouth shut

- I get it Tae, you think I'm an idiot

- You were

- And you are an insensitive Prince!

- I was...

They connect eyes and for a moment Jungkook can't help to smile. He just admitted it. So...

- Tae...

- No. Shut up. - He interrupts - Let me do the talking this time. It's always you who takes the lead. You were who after years being apart came to see me, when I didn't even leave my room. You kissed me the first time.

- And the second. And the third. And the-

- I get it! You're the one who followed me to Seoul despite I specifically told you not to! You ran to my side when Felix almost cuts my head off. It's always you who's running after me. No wonder you're a guard, you make me feel protected and safe. But honestly...I don't need you to do that anymore

- I understand...

Jungkook tries his best not to cry again. Tae doesn't need him there. He doesn't want to be followed around. Of course not. They're grown ups now. They're not the kids they used to be.

He's so focused on his own thoughts he doesn't notice Taehyung moving. Not until he feels his hands lift his chin. Face to face the stare at each other's eyes. And Tae finally has the courage to say it.

- So it's my turn to do something for us. Even if that means running away from home to see you again. Even if after this I have to tell my father and the whole Kingdom of Daegu that I ain't marrying anyone that isn't you. - He starts loving the idea - Even if that means I won't be able to hide how much you mess up my head when you look at me. I'm gonna make you feel safe and happy for the rest of my life. Because I love you, Jungkook

As if that was not enough, Tae makes sure to kiss his lover's lips. Taking the lead for once in his life. And Jungkook enjoys every second of it as his eyes let out a few tears. Because he's happy to know for sure that his Prince loves him back. That he'll fight for him, for his Kingdom, and he'll move heaven and earth...just to kiss him again

Next Chapter

Namjoon! What do you think you're doing?!

My first order is...




Okay, I'll chill out now hehehe See you on Saturday!

- Baby Y

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