Ch. Fifty Nine 👑

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*This is the second update I did today! Make sure you read the past chapter!*

Jimin feels uncontrollable tears rolls down his cheeks as he begs his best friend.

- Please Tae! Change the orders! If they find him they're gonna kill him, please!

- Oh my God, Jimin! I know your Kingdom is different but you can't cry this hard over a complete stranger!

Taehyung is beyond shocked to hear his best friend so desperate. Once the situation was controlled the first thing he saw was the Prince run to his side looking completely broken.

- Please, Tae! Don't let them hurt him...

- Jimin please! You should know by now they are different from the few thieves of Busan. They are dangerous! Capable of anything! They want to kill us all!

- Suga would never do that! I'm sure he didn't want to do this! He is not like that!

Taehyung stares at him for a moment. There's a bad taste in his mouth. Scared and hoping to be wrong he whispers a question.

- Since when do you know him, Jimin?

- W-What?

- When did you start talking to the man that humiliated and threatened me?

Jimin tries to defend himself.

- Y-You don't understand, they would seriously n-never-


With a barely audible voice he answers. By tomorrow he'll probably lose his voice after crying so much.

- D-Day one...b-but they're really not how you think. They-

- No. You are not how I thought. I was so sure you were my best friend. But look at this! You were having fun with my enemies behind my back and you're crying about the worst of them! After what he just did! He deserves to die!

- Taehyung, stop!

Jungkook has been quiet until now. Maybe it would be better for him to shut up but he can't. Not when Jimin can hardly stay standing by now. This is the first time Taehyung gets angry with him. Especially this much. The guard can't help to talk again, trying to make Tae understand.

- Look, I don't know what the fuck happened to them today to be this stupid. But they're really not that bad. Even Hope who I don't really get along with, is a better guy than you think

- So you knew it too...

He feels like throwing up. His best friend and the boy he loves doing this...

- Leave.

The Young Prince never felt as betrayed before. He saw his brother hide things from him when he was young. Hell, Namjoon didn't tell him about his own wedding with Felix on time. But he was more prepared for that than for this. His best friend. His soulmate. The only boy that never turned his back on him and answered every letter for years. And Jungkook...the one he thought about every night since the day they met. Both of them, hiding this from him.

- Tae, baby please, you have to

- Both of you, leave now. Not tomorrow. Not in an hour. I want you to get on the first carriage you find and go back to Busan to never ever write or talk or look for me again in my life.

Jimin managed to support those words from Suga. It broke his heart but he found the strength to fight and try to see him again. But from Tae? He can't take it. He can't hear those words from two of the most important people in the world for him. What's wrong with him? What did he do to get this from them? He loved the wrong guy and lied to his best friend. He can't do this anymore. For the first time ever, he has no strength left to argue or fight.

Jungkook holds him softly and whispers for him to go get their things. He shouldn't stay in this room. Not with Tae being this upset. Jimin nods and leaves trying to stop his tears. Taehyung looks away from them. He's ready to hear the door closing but Jungkook has to talk again

- Tae...when I came here on the first day...I thought you were now a horrible person. But I was wrong. You showed me otherwise. You showed me that you worry about others, even those who have nothing at all. I know you're mad right now, and I know is our fault. But Hobi doesn't deserve to die and you know it. You met him before. You know who Hoseok is.

- He and the guy with the scar almost killed my father!

- Hope stopped Suga from it! And they have a reason to be angry! The same reason why you got angry and made that project!

- Yes! I did something better! And what did they do?

- WHAT THEY COULD, TAEHYUNG! They did the only thing they thought they could do...

Tae doesn't answer. He simply denies with his head and looks away again

- Tae I...I really don't wanna give up on you. But if you're gonna ignore where they come from and what they've been through...

- What if I do? What I've been seeing about them can't be justified by anything

- I guess ignorance makes you happy...and I honestly hope you enjoy this happiness. And you don't have to worry about me coming back. I won't run after someone that doesn't wanna be reached.

The moment the door closes Taehyung can finally let it all out. He falls down to his knees hugging himself. There's no way anything his friends said is true. Those guys can't be good people. They can't be...desperate, he leaves the room looking for the only person that will support him during this. And standing in one of the hallways he finds him.

Looking equally hurt as him, Namjoon opens his arms ready for a hug. Despite feeling grateful to have each other they can't even focus on the sweet moment. They allow themselves to cry in each other's arms. And they really hope this bond is enough to support the pain they're feeling.

Next Chapter

Jimin! Little brother you look... terrible

So Minnie, what's the plan?


And with this chapter we end the night of the ball! There's only 11 chapters left (one of them is kiiind of an epilogue)

So get ready for the final D: Have an awesome weekend! And I'll see you on Tuesday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora