Ch. Fifty two 👑

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Hoseok walks from one way to the other. He needs Jin to hurry and come to their meeting. Things are not really going great right now. The King not only cancelled the projects Taehyung had but he actually raised the taxes making everything harder for the people.

In the same room and with a completely different energy, Yoongi waits not for Jin but for his Prince. There hasn't been a day in the last two weeks in which they haven't met.

The hard reality doesn't hit him since all he can think about is Jimin's beautiful eyes when they walk around town at night. How well their hands go together...and he can't wait to have the chance for another kiss.

Even if he would like to feel worried right now, he can't. How can he do that if he sees Jimin's eye smile every night while they talk and laugh.

- Shit, them again

Yoongi follows Hobi's gaze and finds the Prince next to his guard. The moment their eyes meet Jimin runs his way ignoring the atmosphere around them.

- Suga! I have to talk to you, love~

God, that nickname is gonna drive Yoongi crazy. He tries not to blush and they both leave the thieves behind to go upstairs. There, they enter the room where Yoongi usually sleeps.

- I heard you're going back to Busan, my that true?

- It is...but did you know Jungkook is staying here?

- Bunny boy? I thought he had to go with you everywhere!

- Well, he'll be Tae's guard now...which means... there's no one else who can protect me

- I'm sure you'll find a new guard!

- Yeah...I have my eye on someone who could...- He gets dangerously closer to Yoongi - always by my side... - his lips are close to touching - ...and take good care of me

- M-My Prince, why do you have to do this everytime?

- Do what, love?

- Look like you wanna spend your life with me and drive me crazy with those beautiful lips?

- Because that's exactly what I want...I want you to come with me and have life together... don't you feel the same, Suga?

The thief swallows hard. The one and only Park Jimin is being so straight forward he might die. Maybe he shouldn't do it. But you only live once, and if you have the chance to share that life with Jimin you can't say no.

The deep kiss that Yoongi starts makes Jimin know he won't go back to Busan alone. He enjoys it to the point where he can't stop himself. His hands go to Yoongi's hair deepening the kiss and he feels the other pull him closer by the waist.

If it wasn't for the door opening they wouldn't have stopped.Hoseok's serious voice makes them pull apart a little scared

- Yo...Suga, we need you downstairs. And you Prince Park, should go back for today

- B-But it's so early! Please Hope! I want more time with my little meow meow!

- No...At least not today. I'm sorry but you should go and take bunny boy with you

The pout on Jimin's face makes Yoongi want to kiss him again. But Hoseok would probably kill him if he did that in front of him on purpose. So once more they have to say goodbye.

Yoongi makes sure to let him know he'll meet him the night of the ball. With a huge smile, Jimin leaves the room. And Yoongi would smile as well if it wasn't for Hobi...

- Yoon...I know you're trying to have a good day but things are fucked up right now

- I-I know...H-How are things downstairs?

- Well, half of them can't pay what they're asking for this month. And I was waiting for Jin to bring good news but he's more pissed off then I am!

- Shit

- Yoongs...Jin has a plan...

- Why do you say it with that face?

Hobi tries to find the right words

- Because you're not gonna like it...and your Prince won't like it either

- What?! Oh no no no, Hobi! I'm not doing anything bad if he's involved!

- Bad?! Since when what we do is bad? We are trying to help, Yoongi. We are doing the same things we did the first day we started this. You want to stop because a Prince that has everything wouldn't like it?!

- He's different!

- Okay, HOW?! Yes, he didn't call the guards on us. He tried to help, that's nice. And now what? He's leaving and from what I heard all he says is "Taehyung will fix it". Well, great fucking fixing!

- He's not the King here!

- NEITHER ARE WE!....And yet
tell me, who is feeding our people? Look at me in the eyes and tell me that if we don't do this we'll find another way. If you can assure me we'll be fine I promise you I will calm Jin down and stop the plan. Tell me. Can we fix it another way?

Yoongi doesn't answer. He's not convinced. Jimin is not to blame for all of this. He won't do anything against him. He'll go to Busan with him and live a normal life. That's it.

He walks downstairs and finds the rest of the thieves. Their sad expressions. They don't look like they're happy for it. They wanted to trust the young prince. But they can't...

Yoongi tries to avoid making eye contact with the people he helped protect before. He finds Jin looking out the window thinking about who knows what.

- Jin...

- Hmm? Oh, Yoongi...

- Jin, I can't join you on whatever you planned

- It's okay - he says surprising him- You're going with Jimin, right?

- R-Right... you're not mad?

- No, long as you're happy...

- Are you okay? You look different, what happened today?

And Jin decides to tell him everything. Because that way he won't feel like the only idiot that fell for a Prince. But while Jin manages to feel a little better after the conversation, Yoongi feels a lot worse.

Jin will put his brothers and his people before his own feelings. Meanwhile he's thinking of leaving them for Jimin?

He can hardly sleep that night. But by the time he does, he makes a final decision.

Next Chapter

Do you need a raise, Chef?

Who are you to tell me what to do?!


For all of you wondering what the hell happened with Jin, you'll have to wait for next chapter

Meanwhile, here's some Yoonmin to smile before the ball!

See you on Tuesday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now