Ch. Fifty Three 👑

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Namjoon feels his head might explode any moment now. He had a three hour long meeting with his father where all he heard were orders, orders and more orders. The coronation day is each time closer and the pressure is too much.

This last few days he could hardly sleep. He doesn't have the time to visit his little brother or Jin. He only sees them a few minutes a day. But he knows after the big day he'll have some free time. Though, honestly he's scared. Being the King? The day he's been preparing for these last years is so close it's terrifying.

A knock on the door makes him look up. Finally, his favorite part of the day. Jin enters holding a tray with some cinnamon rolls and a cup of tea. Namjoon can't help to show a tired smile. But Jin can't focus on that. He's been really worried lately and he has to ask.

- Namjoon...

- Hi, Chef. That looks delicious. Here, sit with me!

Jin does as he's told and looks for the right words. He knows the other is passing through some tiring shit. But so is his people and he has to have this conversation.

- How's Tae's project going?

- Excuse me? That was cancelled, Chef! You're behind on some news aren't you?

- No, I know...But you said you'd take care of it. And the taxes are really high right now and

- Do you need a raise, Chef? - He genuinely asks - You just have to say it, I'll make sure to help you. You don't have to worry about this

- It's not just me. I mean...I said you'd fix-

- Yes I know, I know. Listen, I would like to relax for a moment right now. Don't worry, things will go back to how they used to be soon

- How they used to be?...You they've always been?

- Yes! So there's no need to

- But we were messed up before!

- Chef, you-

- You have to help the poor! You can't just push them aside! You heard them! You have to do something!

- Seokjin! You are not poor! And if you were I would help you! I told you I would!

- It's not about me, Namjoon! There's hundreds of guys like me out there. And you are gonna be their King!

- There's a huge difference between them and you, Chef

- Oh, how flattering. Thank you. So romantic. I will not allow you to talk about them like this. You have to help them.

Again, someone giving orders. Someone telling him what's allowed and what isn't. He's been hearing his father for hours and now even Jin wants to put himself above him. His people talked to Taehyung like a King instead of talking to him. The Chef complains. His father complains. He's so fucking tired.

- And who are you to tell me what to do?! You're just a Chef! If it wasn't for us you'd be no one! I know how to-

Jin gets up suddenly. His eyes watery. Namjoon shuts up seeing the disappointment the other shows. Jin doesn't say a word, he simply walks away. There's no insults. No words. Nothing. Just a loudly closed door.

The Prince forgets about the tea and walks up to his bed. It's early but he can't go on right now. He throws himself on the bed and closes his eyes. He doesn't want to think about his pretty Chef's tears. He doesn't want to know if what he said was right or wrong. He doesn't even want to wonder if he hates him or love him right now. He just lets go a sigh and falls asleep.

By the time he wakes up the tea is cold, the night is here and the dinner is almost ready. At the table his father keeps giving him advices that sound like orders. But he can hardly listen to them. His brother somehow seems to be paying more attention than he is.

Before going back to his room he stops at the kitchen door. He knows he has to talk to him. He has to apologize for being so rude. But... he can't apologize about the way he chose to rule his Kingdom. He can't be the type of King Jin wants. He can't solve certain things the way he would like. And he's aware Jin will be disappointed hearing it. But he can't pretend to be something he's not.

Jin will reject him hearing it. But there's a small chance...maybe he'll understand...He opens the door and a very stressed Minhyuk is washing the dishes.

- Hi... where's the Chef?

- I'm the Chef

- I mean Jin - he looks around - where is he?

Minhyuk stops and sighs. He looks tired and a little pissed off.

- He left early today. He wasn't feeling very well so he took the day off

- Oh...what happened to him? Is he okay?

- His head hurt. Or that's what he said. If you ask me it looked like a different kind of pain

- What do you mean?

- You know... something deeper

Namjoon sees the Chef point at his own heart before going back to work. He tries not to feel guilty. He'll fix things later. He'll talk to him. And maybe Jin could forgive him...

Away from there, Jin stands in front of the orphanage. He knows they're waiting for him. And he has to remind himself the same thing he tells himself everytime he sees Namjoon's smile. He's not gonna change. The Prince will always be like this. And he will not trust or fall for him again. He'll show him...

And so Jin has a new plan. One not only to help his people. But to remind himself why he started all this.

Next Chapter like him, don't you?

You don't have to get involved with this


Hi theeeere! I hope you're ready for all that's coming! Yesterday I spent literally all day planning the ending. I finally know exactly how many chapters this story will have!

But we still have some time don't worry! We'll go back to three chapters a week so see you on Thursday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum