Ch. Fifty one 👑

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The warm feeling Taehyung is experiencing is more than he ever thought he would feel. He enters the castle feeling important, loved, smart even! He knows his father will take no time in making him feel like trash but meanwhile he's enjoying the moment.

At the end of the day he can't keep the project and the people off his head. So he heads to Namjoon's room to talk about it. His older brother must be really stressed at the moment. He remembers clearly the day he found out what his future was.

I don't wanna be a King, father! Was the first thing he said. Namjoon always hated the pressure of being perfect. And the weight of the crown is not easy to handle.

When they were young, Namjoon was simply the big brother who would read him stories every night. And even during the first years of training he would explain basic history and economy to the Young Prince.

But his father put an end to it soon enough. He said teaching such thing to Taehyung was pointless and Namjoon should focus on himself alone. So he did.

Maybe that was when his power took over his reasoning. And Taehyung wasn't far from it either. Being alone in the castle turned him in to a stubborn boy who gave orders to everyone simply because he had nothing else to do.

Taehyung tries not to judge his brother for anything. He heard a million times a strong King makes a strong Kingdom. But this afternoon when he saw the light on his people's eyes... he's glad that even though being the younger makes him have no power at all he can still count on Namjoon for this.

- C-Can I come in?

- Tae? Sure! Sorry I left early to my room. You know I have tons of things to do now

- Right, you're really close to be Daegu's King! Can you make your first order to be something cool?

- I'm not gonna make Fridays the official Chocolate day

- But broootheeer, that would be amazing! I would cheer for you if you did

They laugh along finally getting more used to being cheerful and joke around together again

- Now seriously, you came here for that or is there something else?

- About my project...

His eyes go back to a serious look. Taehyung is not longer standing in front of his brother but in front of his future King

- Taehyung... there's no way that will be out again

- W-What? But I told the people that-

- Don't worry about them. I said I would take care of it and I will. Just... I'll use different strategies. You understand, right?

And despite the strange feeling in his chest he nods. Because he wants to trust him. Namjoon lets out a smile. He really will try different things but they might not be as...effective.

- I trust you, Namjoon! I know you'll do the best! If you ever need anything just let me know! Okay?

- Actually...I have a favor to ask you! And before you panic I promise you're gonna love it

- I am?...Will I choose what we'll serve on your coronation day?!

-...You can do that too. But I was thinking, since Jimin is soon gonna leave why don't you organize him a ball?

- Like the one we had before leaving?

- Bigger. We'll talk about the cancelled project so our nobles give us support, we'll tell them about the coronation, we'll make Jimin happy aaand...I was thinking maybe I could name certain guard as a Daegu citizen...if you want to of course

- You will?! You mean he can really really really stay here with me?!

- I'm guessing your answer is 'yes I want'

- Oh, Believe me if you weren't my brother I would kiss you!

- Iugh

Tae hugs him as tight as he can and he freezes for a second. But soon enough, Namjoon hugs him back with a smile on his face. The brothers will forever have each other now.

For the next two weeks, Jungkook changes from guard to 'event organization assistant' following Taehyung everywhere. Of course the first thing they do is choose the menu. But then Taehyung finds the courage to buy things in town.

Even though some people are happy to find the Prince talk to them each day more confident, they don't see him work on the project.

Without realizing, Taehyung walks everyday surrounded by a dark atmosphere that gets worse day by day. And Jungkook doesn't want this to end the wrong way.

- Uuh, Tae baby can I ask you something?

- Anything! - He says choosing which flowers should decorate the salon - How about this roses? Jimin prefers daisies but I don't like them much

- Yeah, roses are fine. Listen...are you sure Namjoon is doing anything?

- Kookie! I told you he'll fix it! Don't worry he made a promise!

- Yes, I know...Look I'm not saying I don't trust him is he gonna do it? And when? I don't think they'll wait for him forever

- It's just been two weeks! I'm sure he'll find a way, he's smarter than me!

- You did the project in less time...

- Y-Yeah but I'm not really smart. I probably made many mistakes in it! That's why it's not out!

- Right...

- Hey, don't think much about it. I also want this to be solved, honestly I'm a little nervous about what he'll do. But I have to trust him. He's the future King and I'm just...well, me. So I'll do what I have to

- Which is...picking flowers?

- Yes...

For some reason he feels disappointed thinking about it. These few weeks he tried not to think about it but he really wants to ask his brother how are things going. However, he also promised to be helpful so he'll focus on what he was told. Jungkook decides to leave the conversation for now

- So... let's choose the best curtains now, Tae!

- Yeah! - he tries to smile again - I say purple ones! This will be the biggest celebration in history!

At night, Jungkook can't sleep. And knowing Jimin has been going out every day for the last weeks gives him an idea. Maybe if he could see the thieves tonight he could know how things really are. Maybe they still trust Tae. Maybe everything will be okay.

- You mind if I join you?

- Holy shit, Jungkook! I thought they caught me for a second there!

- Hahaha Yes, your face looked funny. So, can I? Or you think Hope will kill me

- I don't think so, he didn't kill me! So you'll be fine!

The two friends walk their way to the orphanage, where they'll find very angry and very disappointed thieves...

Next Chapter

You could come to Busan with me!

Don't you feel the same...Suga?

And I'm always one day late wtf? But I had a terrible day yesterday. My mother is sick and I had to care of her.

But I had some time now, so here we are! I really hope you enjoy how happy the characters are now, because in a few chapters...

Well, you'll see. See on Saturday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now