Ch. Fifty Six 👑

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15 minutes before twelve

Jin takes a deep breath. Finally he can have some alone time in the kitchen. He looks around him. It looks like he came here only yesterday. He checks the time. Most of the thieves should be in by now. Waiting for a little bit longer. Pretending to be servants.

The door opens. And there he is. The last person he wants to see right now. The future King of Daegu. Jin doesn't want to hear his voice. He doesn't want to have any reason to doubt himself. He turns his back on him and pretends to work. It's okay. It's just fifteen minutes.

Namjoon tries not to feel hurt. He's not dumb. Well...not that dumb. He knows Jin is avoiding him and his eyes.

- Chef...I-I came here to

- Apologize? There's no need. It'll happen again anyway so don't even try

- You're just as disrespectful as the first day I saw you

He doesn't sound angry at all. Actually, if Jin looks at him he'll see a smile on the Prince's face. To think he ever wanted to fire the man he now loves. The Chef feels two arms wrap around his waist and his Prince's chin rests now on his shoulder

- Jin...I know you're waiting something from me as a future King. And I...I can't give you that. You have to understand that the nobles...the powerful people...they have a different ways to relate with others. It's not that simple. And I know you and I are different. I shouldn't yell at you for it or get angry just because you think a certain way.

He makes a pause. Partly so Jin can think about what he's hearing. So he can take his apologies and let them sink in. But he also pauses so he can gather the strength to tell him how he really feels. After seeing Jin is not answering, he continues

- But Jin, I...I don't even care about all of that. For me is not that important what you want from me as a King. But I do want to know what you want from Namjoon

- W-what do you mean?

- Well... let's say that uhmmm as a Chef I would like for you to make the soup less salty. But as Jin I would like to kiss you every night before falling asleep and to give you everything you want to make you happy

Jin feels the softness in his voice saying it. His eyes close thinking about a scenario where he can actually do that. He can't help to cry. He knows he feels the same way. He can't deny what he wants from him as a King and as a person is completely different. He wishes he could just turn around and kiss him right now. There's still ten more minutes left. He can stop it all. He could...but...

- You won't let Tae's project happen will you? - The Prince tenses- but you want me to correspond to your feelings anyway...

Namjoon knows where this is going. He'll be rejected. He knows it. And he can't say he never saw it coming. With a very soft voice he whispers 'yes' and waits.

Jin turns and they're now face to face. If one of them makes a short movement the kiss they've been lately thinking about could finally happen. Jin stares at clock for a moment. 9 minutes.

- Namjoon...would you play a game with me?

- W-what? Game?

- For 10 minutes... let's forget that you're a future King and that I am - a thief - me. Let's just be Namjoon and Seokjin...can we?

The Prince has to try his best not to cry. He knows after this they will go back to be the way they were before. They won't be together again. Only now, for a few minutes, he can just ignore what they have to do.

The space between their lips disappears. Namjoon makes sure to memorize the sweet taste the other has. He enjoys holding his waist close to him. A warm feeling takes over him. And it gets even warmer everytime Jin mumbles his name in between the kisses.

Never before he wanted to send the throne and the Kingdom to hell as much as right now. The idea crosses his mind more than once. Just take some of his money and run away with Jin. God, a life with him...but he can't. Even if he knows he'll dream about it every single night after this. How many times will he find himself thinking about this during his mandate?

He stops himself. He can't lose focus. He forgets about what's about to come for him. He simply enjoys the moment. His instincts don't let him stop. But the moment Jin pulls away he has to come back to earth. Both of them share a sad look with their eyes filled with tears. Jin's swollen lips after all the kissing try to show a smile. A hurtful one. Namjoon does the same. This were the best ten minutes of his entire life.

- I love you, Jin

The words come out naturally. Every word leaving a bittersweet taste in his mouth. And Jin knows this is the last chance he has to answer

- Namjoon...I-

A gunshot and a loud scream interrupts him. Jin doesn't have to look at the clock to know the time. He doesn't need to walk out to realize his plan is going well. Namjoon on the other side, unaware of what's happening knows he has to leave. But not before protecting the man he loves

- No matter what happens don't go out there. I don't know what's going on but you have to stay safe here, okay?

He doesn't wait for an answer and simply leaves the kitchen. But even if Namjoon can't hear him anymore. Jin lets out the words he was about to say. Because this is the last time he's gonna pronounce them. you too

Next Chapter

Sorry to ruin your party!

Tell my Prince to cover his eyes


  And Namjin's couple is officially in loved!...and...sad...sorry

We'll see the plan in action in the next one! It's time for Tae to meet the thieves again!

Have an awesome Tuesday! See you on Thursday!

- Baby Y

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