Ch. Sixty Five 👑

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Hi! Remember at the end of the chapter I'm letting you chose what my next fanfic will be! Enjoy!

No matter how hard Namjoon tries, he can't fall asleep. His eyes are giving up but his head isn't. It just won't stop. The way his people think of him. How Jin thinks of him. His brother. Jimin. The throne. It's too much.

He closes his eyes once more, ready to pretend nothing is happening when someone knocks on his door. He doesn't answer. There's no one he wants to see right now. And more importantly no one should see him like this either.

But apparently the person on the other side don't care about his silence. The door opens and once again, Taehyung enters his room.

- Tae? What the hell are you doing? It's four in the morning!

Weird how he can ask that question when he's the one that can't sleep at this hour. At first he thinks maybe his brother needs some company. Maybe they can share a bed again and cry. But Taehyung is not wearing clothes for sleeping. He's wearing one of his prettiest suits and carrying another of them over his shoulder.

- I made my decision

- Decision? Decision of what?

- Namjoon...

The look the Young Prince gives him answers his question. Of course, that's what he's talking about. Namjoon sighs and sits up.

- Fine. If that's what you want I won't stop you. But Tae, the coronation-

- I'll be back for it, I promise. I wouldn't miss it for the world. You'll be an amazing King, brother

Namjoon feels that's a lie. How can he be a good King? He doesn't even know what his people want. Only what the nobles want. Jin would be a great King...but there's no way he can be more than two days in power before the nobles take him down.

- Goodbye, Namjoon. Take care while I'm gone

Only then, hearing the door closing he realizes he's been zoning out again. He has to stop thinking about this! He's gonna be the King. Not Jin. He will never be in his position. Unless he marries him...

It's a stupid idea. But God it sounds so good. Jin by his side...He shakes the thought off. That's ridiculous. Jin wouldn't accept him nor a marriage proposal even if he pays him for it. I mean, he even has his 'brother' locked in a prison! And he'll send him to die! There's no way he'll see him again at all.

While Taehyung leaves the castle behind his father's back, Namjoon puts on some pants and walks downstairs to visit his enemy. The one and only Jung Hoseok, who is currently trying to sleep on his cell's floor

- Hey, wake up! Hoseok!

- Another idiot calling me by my old name. What the hell do you want? I'm trying to sleep over here!

- You can go back to it in a minute. I have a question for you

- Make it fast, I was dreaming about all the money we robbed you

- Ugh, just tell me...Jin...D-Do you think he'll... he'll come the day of my-

- The day of my execution? Oh yeah, he'll love to see that. First row the third on the left, believe me!

- Oh, don't be so sarcastic Hoseok!

- Well, don't make stupid questions!

- It's not my fault he's so confusing!

- God, you two are meant to be, really! How can you both be so dumb? Is it really that important to you two to be right and have power?

- I-I don't know what you're talking about. He and I are c-completely different! He's the one that attacked us!

- You started it. And besides...He didn't want to. - He says confident - I know him better than anyone. His eyes showed how insecure he was about killing your idiotic father

- Why did he do it then?

- I guess he just wanted to remind himself his priorities before doing something stupid

- Stupid like what?

- You tell me! You should know about being stupid. After all you're the one that fell in love with a Chef!

Hobi says it in a joking way. Of course that would be ridiculous. Or at least that's what he thinks at first. Because as soon as he sees Namjoon's red cheeks the truth seems more than obvious

- No... fucking...way...YOU LOVE JIN?! HAHAHAHA I CAN'T BREATHE HAHAHHAHA THIS IS TOO MUCH HAHAHA Oh my God...My brother could marry a Prince! Hahaha

- H-He's not marrying me!

- Oh, wouldn't let that happen would you? It would hurt your ego. Well...the future King's ego. Am I wrong?

- Forget it. It's impossible to keep a conversation with you.

Annoyed and even more stressed than before, Namjoon leaves Hobi alone. And the thief makes sure to laugh loud enough to annoy him as he leaves him behind. But once he's gone, his smile fades. He hates the royal family. Yeah, they're a bunch of idiots. But...if they would even try to help his people...If they could actually make his friends smile...he would forgive them.

Taehyung can't sleep at all on his trip. He can hardly believe what he's about to do. He can't even process he just ran from home without saying anything to his father. He'll be in so much shit when he comes back. But for some reason he's not worried. Not about that at least.

It takes several hours but he finally arrives at his first stop. In his pocket there's a necklace he found on the balcony. And someone needs to give it back. But it can't be him. At least not alone.

With a fast pace he gets closer to the castle. The biggest one he ever visited. One that looks like it's made out of gold...

Next Chapter

You know what's the difference between you and Taemin?

Jimin, someone came to see you


Okay, before I forget haha I'll leave you the two possible fanfics for when this one is done! Sorry for over-writing!

Option 1: "Our Kingdom"
(It's omegaverse but if you hate it I'll change it to shape-shifters. There's no smut here btw)

After the King dies in strange circumstances, one of his four sons has to take the throne. But it's not as easy as it sounds. With more than one traitor, creatures who everyone believes are extinct, and a dumb heir in loved with a servant...who will take the crown?

"He wants Jimin's head" / "Who else but me could control a dragon?" / "Can't wait to be King to kick you off my counsel"

Option 2: "Strippers and CEOs"
(It's normal but...Okay, this has a bit of smut haha)

When Jimin and Taehyung lose their jobs as strippers, they decide to work for a family of rich CEOs. Can they deal with them at all?

"It is you, Mr. Min who told me to get a decent won't fire me already will you?" / "I should take my own advice and send you to hell, Jungkook" / "W-What do you mean Namjoon is getting married?"

It's up to you now...if you hate both options let me know, I have more things HAHAHAHA See you soon!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now