Ch. Seventy 👑 (Final)

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Yoongi smiles seeing Jimin look out the window. He looks like he's having fun

- Look! Here's where you robbed me the first time!

- Best decision I ever made...

They laugh for a moment when out of nowhere they stop. The door is opened abruptly

- Give me all your jewels!

- You don't look scary anymore, Hope. You're getting old

- Hey! It's only been two years!

He enters the carriage and they continue the way to the castle.

- How's everything over here?

- Things have changed, for the good! And bunny boy is really lucky. Every young kid dreams about marrying Tae now hahaha And talking about are you two doing?

- How do we look like we're doing?

They hold hands and smile but Hobi doesn't find it cute.

- You actually kind of look like shit

- Hey! Jimin looks good!

- I mean you look like you haven't slept in two months. Is something wrong back in Busan?

- Oh, that...well...we kind of adopted a-

- I'M AN UNCLE?! Where's the kid?! It's on the carriage behind yours isn't it?!

- Yes, there they are

- They?! They're two?!

- Hahaha - Jimin laughs and looks at his now husband - Tell him Yoonie, are they two like we planned?

- Wait the fuck up. You let Yoongs enter an orphanage...and you thought that was gonna be easy?! Do you know how much he loves kids?!

- I'm starting to get an idea...

- Oh God, how many? Three? Four? It's not more than four, right?

The couple share a shy look. They know this will be a long story. Back in Daegu's castle, Taehyung enjoys a massage from his lover.

- You have to stop working so late

- But Kookieee

- No buts. Or I'll start falling asleep before you come to bed!

- Fiiiine

Taehyung smiles. If there's one thing he loves is going back to his arms every night

- Sir - a guard interrupts them - your visits are here

As soon as they go out, Jimin runs towards Tae. They hug like they haven't seen each other in ten years. But truth is they spent the last two summers together.

They catch up for a little bit while Hobi keeps bringing more and more bags.

- I don't know why you wanted so many bedrooms but all the floor above ours is for you and Yoon!

- Yeah, about the rooms... remember how in my letter I told you about...

- Oh, yeah the kids! Where are those two little angels?


As soon as the door is opened, Taehyung's jaw drops. And Jungkook can't help his comments

- Do you not know how to count till two?! Or are you trying to have your own army?

- You don't get it! One of then had a brother, that one over there cried in front of us, she hold on to my leg, she was older that the others so we thought it would be good for her, then that little girl had a few health issues so we-

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now