Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Demi’s POV

                      I haven’t seen Niall for over 3 months. He’s been so busy with 1D’s new album coming out, rehearsals, and of course, interviews. I haven’t had much spare time either… But tonight, I will finally see him again. I wonder if he’s excited to see me… DEMI! No. stop it. He’s just a friend. But I will allow myself to know that I have a little crush on him.

                     As I step into the building where the X Factor finale will be, I noticed something. Wasn’t One Direction supposed to be here by now? Yep. That’s what was missing. The hours past until finally 1D got here. I saw Niall and waved at him and the other boys. Maybe at the after party I’ll talk to him. Yes. I at least have to have a conversation with him.

                    At last it was time for the show to start. I sat in my normal spot next to Simon. I waited and waited until it was One Direction’s turn to perform. Suddenly, the music started. There was Niall. I caught him staring at me. Oh man. Forget butterflies! The whole zoo erupts when I see him!

After the perfect performance, Simon yelled, “Hey Niall! She’s single!”

“Simon!” I screamed.

I could feel my face heating up and all of America laughing at me! I glanced at Niall to see that his face was bright red. Once 1D left the stage all I could think about was how Niall looked at me. Him staring at me, both our faces turning red, the way his eyes stared deeply into mine. When we were off the air Niall caught me backstage.

“Hey!” Niall said.

“Hi Niall!”

We hugged.

“Congrats on your performance! It was really great!” I said.

“Thank you! It wouldn’t of been a good performance without those other lads though. “

Suddenly, I felt nervous. I looked to my left at some tech producer. I could feel Niall still staring deeply into my eyes. What was I supposed to say?

“Yeah, they’re pretty great, but don’t forget that you are too!”

STUPID! Why’d you day that?!

“Thanks Demi! So what are you doing for Christmas?  Niall asked me.

“Just gonna relax a bit, hang with the fam and some friends. What are you doing?” I replied.

“Actually, I’m going back home! I’m really excited to see my family! I wish home was closer to you though..." Niall said.

Hold up! Did he just say that?! Oh god.

“Oh! That’s great! I’m sure they will be glad to see you too!” I said nervously.

****Hey Niall! We need you over here!****

“Okay! Just a sec! I gotta run, but we’ll talk a wee bit later okay?” Niall said.


Niall’s POV:

As soon as we arrived at the house where the after party was being held, I got a text:

Amy Greene: Hey! I’m coming to the after party! I’ll see you soon!

Oh shit! Why was SHE coming?! I really wanted to spend some time with Demi before I go home, but Amy will be all over me as usual…  Dammit! I like Amy as a friend. Nothing more. There are many rumors about us, but they are all lies.

I got out of the car Liam and I drove together in, and walked inside. I automatically looked for Demi.  There she was talking to Uncle Simon. Perfect! All I have to do is go over to him and I automatically am in a conversation with Demi! As I walk over, I see how beautiful Demi is. Both inside and out. I love her so much.

“Hey Uncle Simon!” I said casually.

“Niall! What about what I said after One Direction performed? People will be talking about that for ages!”

Shit Simon! I wasn’t going to talk about that! Especially in front of Demi! Demi’s face is turning bright red and I can tell mine is too by the way Simon is chuckling.

“I’ll leave YOU too alone!...” said Uncle Simon.

Good! I’m glad he’s gone. I can’t help but love the lad though…

Demi was sitting on a stool and I was standing in front of her, my back to the door.

“Hi again!” Demi says sweetly.

“I’m sorry about him,” I pointed to Simon. “The lads a wee bit off in the head!”

“It’s okay! It was kind of funny!”

Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam walk over and stood by Demi.  The six of us had a pretty normal conversation until I notice Demi look down at her hands the smile wiped from her face. That’s when I hear it. The squeal when she said my name. Amy was here.

I saw the looks on the boys faces. They knew the rumors about Amy and I and they also knew how I felt about Demi. The four of them left leaving me, Amy, and Demi. As always Amy clung to me. Everything was going fine until Amy said, “My friend died today…. She bled to death from self-harm. She told me she was cutting about a year ago and I was like shocked. I told her to get help, but she was like, ‘No Amy! I can do it myself!’ I was like ‘Suit yourself’. I was sad losing her you know? But at the same time, it’s like you did this to yourself bitch. I mean I don’t really care. Cutting is for people who are insecure and stupid. Like who does that?”

The normal bright bubbly Demi was gone. This one was now looking at her own wrists. And that’s when I see it, the small teardrop that falls onto her dress. Demi looked up at Amy. I could see that she was about to burst into tears. I know what she was thinking about: That could have been her. Demi said, “You know what? I did. I cut. And I made it through it. I fought. But that girl didn’t get a chance because you didn’t give her one. You didn’t give a fuck!”

Suddenly, she burst into tears and ran away to the nearest room.

“Shit! Dammit Amy! Seriously?! Dammit!” I said now extremely angry.

“What?! What did I do? Why is she crying?”

“You know what?!Whatever! You don’t even know what she’s been through!”

I chased after Demi until I came to the door. It was locked. I could hear her bawling her eyes out.

“Demi! Please open the door!” I begged.

It was a while but she finally opened the door. I quietly stepped in and shut the door behind me. Demi was sitting on the bed.  I walked over to her and sat down, wrapping her in my arms. I just let her cry. Slowly, the crying turned to sobbing , and then nothing. Out of nowhere she said, “That could have been me you know? I could have been the one dead. But I’m not. People helped me. They helped me get through it. And I’m glad I did. Because if I ended up like that girl, I would never of met you...”

There was a long pause and then she said, “I love you Niall. Thank you.”

I looked down at her to find that she was already looking at me. All her makeup was gone besides a few smears, but she still looked so beautiful. Without even knowing what I was doing, I softly kissed her beautiful lips. When we pulled away we just smiled at each other.

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

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