Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to leonahLovatic_ for liking every chapter of Nightingale and being amazing :p

Demi’s POV:

I walked out of the doors of LAX. I scanned the streets for the black SUV that my mother would be picking me up in. “Demi?! Demi, it’s you!” A girl screamed running my way, “Can I have a picture please!?” she sobbed.

“Aw, honey of course!” I stood beside her and pulled her in for a hug as she took the picture with her phone.

We chatted for a moment until the black SUV pulled up in front of me. I hugged the girl one more time then opened up the passenger door. “Wilmer!?” I screamed.

He smirked. “Throw your bags in the back.”

I did as I was told cursing under my breath. I stepped into the side of the car and pulled the door shut. I stared off into the horizon. “What are you doing here?” I barked.

“To pick you up of course.” He said reaching over and grabbing a hold of my thigh. I melted under his touch.

“We’re not together.” I whimpered.

“No? Last time I checked, you were begging for more,” I stared at him in silence, “Babe you can’t live without me. “

“Please don’t touch me.”  I whispered.

Wilmer squeezed my thigh then let go. He put his foot on the gas and we made our way back to my apartment. “Why didn’t my mom pick me up?” I said a little calmer now.

“She had to take Madison to practice.”

Madison is in aerial. She loves it, is good at it, and is passionate about it. It’s no surprise that her coach called a last minute practice, but I would have much rather had my mother pick me up. Soon, we arrived at my home and Wilmer unlocked the door so that I could get out.  He liked to trap me like that.

Wilmer has been good to me in ways though. He’s stuck by my side and supported me, only he likes to be in control of everything. Including me. He scares me and makes me feel small and defenseless. Unfortunately, I’ve started to rely on him. Not just physically, but now mentally.  

I drug my luggage out of the trunk and pulled it to the front door and pushed the door open to find Wilmer sitting on my couch sipping a beer.

“So, how was it?” he asked.

“It was fine.”  I shot back at him.

“Whoa, no need to get defensive sweetheart.”

I pulled my luggage behind me as I made my way to my room. I shut the door tight behind me and slid down until my bottom hit the floor. I sighed. This isn’t how I thought it was going to be. My phone vibrated in my purse and I crawled over and dug it out. It was a text from Niall.

Niall: It’s late here, but I wanted to make sure you got home okay.  xx

Me: Yeah, everything’s fine.

Niall: Okay, then… I miss you already love.

Me: I miss you too. I’m really tired; I think I’m going to hit the sack.


Niall: Okay, goodnight. I love you xx


I didn’t replay to him after that. I had just lied to him. Everything it not “fine.” Wilmer was going to try to make me his again, and that can’t happen! It just can’t!

“Demi, come here.” Wilmer called.

I opened up my door and made my way to where he was sitting. “Yes?”

He held up his phone to me. I mentally screamed. It was a picture of Niall and I at the fair. I was expecting Wilmer to yell insults about me, but he only smirked and that was worse.

“So,” he asked me for the second time, “how was your trip?”

I gulped.

“I didn’t think you’d be with that British scum bag.” He spat.

“He’s Irish.” I whispered.

Wilmer inched closer to me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. “You’re mine, remember?”

He squeezed my wrist to the point of pain. I shook my head. He squeezed harder. “Say it!” Wilmer yelled.

I whimpered. “I’m yours…”

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